Natural Remedies

9 Really Need Feedback Needed Based On Symptoms

Posted by Truthsearcher (Beverly Hills, Ca, 90210) on 12/11/2010

It all started 3 years ago when I started to get mild to somewhat severe acne. I then went to a dermatologist who told me to stop drinking milk for a year and prescribed me many different kinds of antibiotics and such a monocycline and others. I was a young teen then, so I didn't know I had to take them with food, so I would have it first thing in the morning. As months passed, my acne got better, but another ailment came, severe constipation. I went to a gastrotoligst who ran some test (including a colonoscopy) and said I was fine but suffered from lactose intolerance. After also trying many pro biotics, nothing seemed to help. (I also have muscle "burn" like working out, after just walking up a few stairs)

About 8 months ago, I started to develop a major sleep problem which made me not be able to go to deep sleep(just me laying there and closing my eyes). This lasted everyday for 2 months untill something crazy happened. I had a major psychotic episode, then having one every month and a half, for a total of 3(doctor sais it's a minor case of szcisophernia. Ever since the sleeping problem came, (or a little before it), I do not have thoughts "come in" to my head, and I feel very blank and suppressed. Its also hard for me to feel emotions. Now I am researching and I am thinking it might be candida, a problem with absorbing my food and nutrients, pyroluria, Porphyria, histapenia, or pellegra.

My life is now put on hold because its hard to concentrate, I am more quite and supressed, its hard to have insight, and I space out. Help is much appreciated. P. S; my little brother is a replica of me and is showing signs that I have such as the constipation( I wonder if its genetics).

Replied by Carly
Seattle, Wa Usa

Hi Truthsearcher... That sounds really rough. I hope you can figure it all out. I would also look at / google celiac symptoms. I know if you are not digesting your food properly due to celiac disease, it can have a lot of different symptoms. Just one more idea of something worth looking in to. Good luck to you.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
391 posts

It is likely that b3, 500 mg, is taken 4 times a day to help schizophrenia. The severe constipation may likely helped with baking soda, 1/2 teaspoon, after meal 3 times a day with one more dose before sleep and vitamin b50, which is a vitamin b complex perhaps once a day.


Replied by Blue Calculator
Los Angeles, California

Please stop taking antibiotics and start a program of detoxification based on natural remedies. You have been poisoned with drugs.