Natural Remedies

Accident Left Deep Face Scar

Posted by Erniepen (Franklin, Nj) on 12/09/2009

deep face scar - had an accident deep scar 4 above eye and 5 inches below looks bad 6 internal stiches 37 external, what can i do to reduce it?

Replied by Kerry
Port Alberni, British Columbia, Canada

Vitamin E applied to a cut will help it heal quickly and reduce the amount of scarring. Use a 400 IU capsule and apply the oil a couple of times a day every day. You can even use Vit. E to reduce old scars.

Replied by Sandy (sandhya)
Bangalore, India

apply coconut oil. If your scar is new, it will help immensely.

Replied by Lisa
Thousand Oaks, Ca, USA

Erniepen, You can take msm internally. This can definitely help reduce it. Also, juicing will renew tissue quickly all over the body. It has been 2 months since my husband and I began first with the mini beet protocol and then onto juicing and wow! has our skin changed. All melasma on my face is gone and damage on my arm from the sun in Hawaii from 3 years ago is gone as well. Hope this helps, Lisa

Replied by Merryanne
Orange City, Florida, USA
113 posts

It help to have more information,,,like when did it happen, is the area healed or still got stitches. If the area is healed applying vitamin E oil helps. Merryanne from FL