Natural Remedies

Acute Vaginal Pain Left Side Only - Please Help

Posted by Lucilla (Toronto, Canada) on 09/16/2024

Vaginal acute pain only on the left side since November 2023, No sex since then, worst at night time, the pain wakes me up with urgency for urination 6/10 times, sometimes I pee a little bit only, sometimes is normal flow. I have more pain and more urgency to urinate between 3 to 6 am. Sometimes during the day sometimes during the night, I feel inflammation, like a ball, on the left side of my vagina, burning discomfort even after urination. I have seen 2 Gynecologist & 2 Urologist, a family doctor and doctors at the hospital with no explanation what I do have. I was evaluated with multiples diagnosis as UTI (treated several times with antibiotics with no results), Vaginal Atrophy (treated with suppositories, creams, coconut oil/emu oils etc, none of this made me feel better). I dont have any Bartholin Cysts and abscesses. I had a normal cystoscopy on June 11/2024, I have had multiple test concerning my issue, ultrasounds with normal results, not infections, not STD or VD. I have had multiples treatments such as antibiotics, all sorts of creams such Estriol/Estrogen suppositories, Premanin Estrogenic hormones, Estragyn(estrogen) and more.

My latest appointment with my Urologist was on September 11, 2024, and I have been trying the Estragyn Vag since September 12. So far no relief at night, during the day time seems like it is ok; just trying to. Also I am trying Kegel exercise.

In 2012 I had TB in my bladder/kidney treated for 9 months. All the doctors I have seen know about the TB issue. The TB in the bladder was treated in Toronto Canada.
Is there any light in this issue? Thank you for any help

Replied by Rob

@ Lucilla (Toronto, Canada)

Try Garlic Oil Capsules (garlic infused olive oil in a gelatin capsule) as a daily vaginal insert. Sometimes I'll mix tea tree oil in with the oil to double the effect. I've made these for clients with female issues with good results.

Also, drink ½ a glass of grapefruit juice everyday for the urination problem.

Replied by Yo

Please understand that for issues as complex as yours this site is not the right place to find answers, let alone cure. Search YouTube videos, many doctors and people with similar experience talk about it. People with similar symptoms could have different causes and diagnoses. While you are searching for answers, start taking low dosage naltrexone. Get a prescription from a Functional medicine doctor. It is cheap. Check LDNresearchtrust site. People still don't believe that LDN alone can help with pain and many other symptoms, slow down progression of a disease, put it into remission and even cure it.