Natural Remedies

Advice About Treatment For Skin Splitting Between Fingers

Posted by Merryanne (Orange City, Florida, USA) on 10/09/2009 115 posts

Need some advice about skin cracking open on my right forfinger and the skin in the middle of my thumb...

This is Merryanne in central Florida, I have been having a problem with my right hand, or really my right forefinger and the skin between the finger and thumb. I am doing everything I can,,,and some times it clears up for a few days,,then it starts cracking open, little 1/4 inch raw sting places,, I have applied vinegar, or acv and borax, and the last 3 weeks I have been using DMSO, and it has reoccured 2 times, now I am frustrated, I need some advise and Ideas from everyone out there in the EC field. Thank you from Merryanne

Replied by Julie
Macon, Georgia

Hi Merryanne, I am having the same issue as you and I am wondering when your splitting skin issue started? Mine started last week, literally overnight. I woke up with my skin cracked on 2 knuckles and then on one fingertip. I was wondering if the sudden cooler weather triggered it. I am trying liquid bandaid and it is slowly healing but not nearly as quickly as a regular wound would heal. I also have split skin issue in the exact same area that you describe, between the thumb and index finger. My doctor told me years ago it was a wart. It comes and goes every winter. Maybe the splitting skin issue on my knuckles is related and is a fungal infection. That or I am thinking some kind of vitamin deficiency. Let me know if you have any luck!

Replied by T
Baltimore, Md, USA

I don't have an answer for your condition, but have two suggestions that might help at least a little while you figure out the cause. First, be sure to use a gentle, natural-based soap for hand washing. We usually use one from the famous "All-One" doctor. The other suggestion would be regular intake of fish oils. When I am consistent about taking those, my skin really reflects it. Oil pulling would probably help, too. My son's hands became horrifically dry last winter; they looked like reddish gloves, had a thick, rough texture and would crack. No amount or kind of lotion helped, but the soap change and fish oils helped him dramatically and finally cleared it up.

Replied by Tricia
84 posts

This split skin will happen between the toes when there is athletes foot present. So you should probobly treat it as a fungal infection. Between the toes there would also be signs of itchiness and tenderness because of lack of air, sweating and friction which would give clearer indications of an infection but these won't necesarily be present on the fingers.

More frequent applications of any treatment will be required as even simple things like rubbing the hair will remove or reduce the remedies of choice whereas on the feet, shes and socks keep it in place.

I get split skin right on the corner of the tip of the nail and the area around it will harden. It also gets very sore. My treatment of choice is citricidal which is a combination of grapefruit seed oil and glycerin. The glycerin allows the gse to go under the fingernail and I also keep the treatment going for about a week longer once I believe it has cleared as the human eye cannot see a fungal infection in its beginning or last stages. At this stage it could only be seen under a microscope. Good luck.

Replied by Merryanne
Orange City, Florida, USA
115 posts

I hope I have found the answer. I read the information about the fugus eating/infecting peoples skin from a scratch. So, I am using creams that have sulfur in them, the first one was one that was left from previous uses for the kids,,it kills spores,,,but you can get vetinarian ointments,,just so it has sulfur,,,I put the sporin cream on and the cracks stoped burining, I put a bandage over it, 4 hours later my skin looked a lot beter,,but I am still puting it on and trying to keepi t dry,,but being my reght had,,that is hard to do. Shall report in a few days. merryanne

Replied by Merryanne
Orange City, Florida, USA
115 posts

I have been applying a cream with sulfur in it and my skin is getting better every day, at this time it is not spletting any more, it is slowling healing. So i will continue to apply the cream. Merryanne

Replied by Gopher
Toowomba, Australia

About 2 years ago The top of my big toe became very itchy and sore, I went to a skin specialist and the biopsy revealed "lichen Simplex". They told me there is no cure and that I would have to have quartisone injection to stop the itching. I came home and hit the internet to find out what I could about Lichen Simplex, and found that is was a fungus, my belief is thea if it is living then it is killable. I tried many things. Raw White King Bleach, Metho, Honey None of the things worked until I mixed Vegemite and Honey together in equal quantities. I put this on every day and one month later it was gone and has not returned.

For people outside of Australia "Vegemite" is a black spread used usually on toast at breakfast.
