Advice For 21 Year Old Daughter With Severe Fatigue
My daughter is 21, about 5'5 and about 190 in weight, she is suffering with great fatigue/really frustrated within her body. Her blood work says she is ok with thyroid,which runs in our family, however she began taking kelp, which has helped..she finds its not enough. She feels everything is a chore, very touching, seems aggravated alot, looks puffy and tired alot, where she could sleep 24 hours if she could; she has an active life, but cannot loose any weight, she doesn't eat that much. It is painful as a parent not knowing what to do.
I remember long ago a neighbor had a two year old child and the mom got real puffed out, was very frustrated, irritated uncontrollable at times, she was diagnosed with ?, the doctors gave her a shot and she went from a size 12 to a size 2 in a two week period and her demeaner went back to normal...she rented from a veternarian and he said animals get what she had at times??? Can you shed any light on either of the two? I would be very grateful.
Thank you
Panama City, Florida
Dear Laurie: It sounds like your daughter may have Epstein Barr. I have had Epstein Barrfor the past 25 years. The only things I found that really helped with Epstein Barr were 1. avoiding alchohol like the plague and 2. taking about 2,000 mg of lysine every day. I didn't have the weight issues. I knew exactly why I weighed what I did. Most people, however, underestimate how many calories they eat and overestimate how many calories they work off. Also, I would suggest that she keep looking to make sure there is nothing going on that might be compromising her immune system. The reason I say this is that my father came down with shingles many years ago. He was in good shape otherwise and the doctor said that should not be happening and that there was something else going on. They found gall stones. A day or two of fasting and a good colon cleansing might be helpful, too.
To Susan from Panama City, Epstein Barr is supposedly a virus infection. I find that Vitamin C and l-lysine (2 grams of both at mealtime and bedtime) usually helps combat any virus.
Of course the vitamin C works better if you take it at l gram every hour while awake (up to l0 grams/day) instead of taking 2 grams at a time, because you just eliminate a lot of it through the urine when you take more than l gram per hour.
Loco, Ca
Dr. egar cayce would often prescribe atomidine. i find that 3 drops in a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach gives me lots of energy. the heritage is the only one that got the rights to reproduce it exactly according to egar cayce's specifications. he used it to balance the endocrine system.
another thing which i have found highly effective is bay leaf tea. i have a california bay leaf tree in my yard, so i go out and get 6 to 8 bay leaves. i put them in a pot and cover with 3 to 4 inches of water, bring it to a boil and sustain that boil for 3 minutes. i set the timer. then leave it sit for hours till the water turns a golden brown color. then you can drink it over ice and store the rest in the fridge.
one thing the more coffee you drink the less effect it has. they have taken people who are just so tired and removed the coffee for a month.
i ran into someone who has chronic fatigue and his doctor told him to get a rife machine. i don't know if that works or not i never tried it. you can do an online search for rife, rife machines or royal raymond rife. be careful not to get one that burns a hole in your skin!
hope one of these things works for you.
San Jose, Ca, Usa
I have posted about this before, but I would definitely try the essiac formula for your daughter. I know exactly how she feels, having had chronic fatigue (and diagnosed with loads of Epstein-Barr at one point) for many years. I would try essiac for a week and see if her energy improves. If it does (mine did dramatically), then it's a viral connection. There is a new retrovirus they've been talking about on this site, XMRV, which seems to also be connected to chronic fatigue. Essiac would definitely help kill the viruses. It worked also for my cousin and his partner who had AIDS. They still take it periodically. Please note: as long as there is chronic fatigue in the body, the body will not work properly, thus the weight gain, puffiness, etc.