Natural Remedies

Could an Anal Glands Issue in Dog be Neurological?

Posted by Judes (Portland, Me) on 04/18/2018

My dog is going through a health crisis...months of vets and no answers (the next step is an MRI). Of her many symptoms, one is her anal glands leaking. The vet said this was nothing to worry about, but with all of her other symptoms, I think it is. He expelled them but said they weren't impacted or infected, but they continue to leak. She poops normally; feces are the right density to give her anal glands pressure. She doesn't strain when going. All of her tests have come back clear, so I'm beginning to think she has something neurological or a spinal issue. Have any of you experienced this problem with your pup and found out it was related to the spine?

Replied by Theresa
Mpls., Mn

Hey Judes,

It does not sound like a spinal or neurological issue. Since you did not provide more info as to what else is going on, it is hard to say if it is related or not. But generally speaking, it does not sound like leaky anal glands are related to a spine issue. I have experienced spine issues in dogs and saw them drag just the tips of their toes when walking, or not being aware if their foot was up or down/not knowing to orient their paw pad to the surface they are walking on. Leaking anal glands *sound* like a dietary issue. But again, without knowing the full picture it may not be a complete answer.

Replied by Daisy

Hi there! My dogs has a neurological issue. It started in August last year. I've visited many vets and nobody know exactly what is it and what caused it. His back legs got paralized suddenly, no symptoms before. Now he has recovered quite a lot, he can walk again, but he can't pee by himself (I have to express his bladder 3 times a day) and he can't poo. He just leak all the time, but he can't expel it voluntarily. He had many tests and they were all ok. We try lots of medications but no solution for now... Yesterday my vet recommended to start physiotherapy and to give him Vitamin B, and he said I have to wait because the neurological problems recovers with time. So it's preety had to live with him like this.. I'm trying to do all my best. If anybody can say something I'll aprecciate a lot. Sorry for my english. And I hope your dog gets better soon, Judes