Natural Remedies

Any Natural Remedies For Nocardiosis

Posted by Pepper (Seminole, Us) on 08/08/2011

Ted, or anyone. Is there any natural remedies for this disorder called Nocardiosis for the young or elderly? What would it be? Thanks!

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
391 posts

Well, the best known way for Nocardiosis is not to get it. In order not to get it, PVP-I (Betadine) is used as antiseptic in the skin and taken internally (which could be) lugol's iodine drops to the tolerable dose. A tolerable dose is (my definition) is taking a dose less then the dose that produces side effects, spread over an entire day. I found for example in a person with breathing problem that to be 5 drops x 6 times a day, these are cover pneumonia, tuberculosis, and other conditions don't cause a side effect until the patient begins to improve in which case the dose is reduced accordingly. Most disease for some reason or another the uptake of iodine is by these disease cells and are not readily taken up in a healthy cells. So for a healthy person even one drop will be too much but in a disease state, for some reason or another its uptake is good. But not all can used this iodine and some simple experiment such as taking one drops produces no side effect, how about taking two, three, etc. every two hours, until it side effects is found then we can reduce the dose to 1/2 of that, which has the advantage of a huge safety level, or the one or two drops less, which takes more time to find exact dose.

As for the immune system, I used basic initial remedy of lysine, threonine first line of defense, then I would measure the blood sugar if low or high. If low, I would add glutamine to the mix and take int three times a day, but the lysine and threonine is 8 times per day for three days, and glutamine is usually added the third day, as the body has needs for this on the third day. As for the other ones I will add that in form of moringa powder as a protein and mineral supplement on day four. The other amino acid, I would only concentrate on the essential amino acid, less the phenylalanine, methionine for sure. For the L cysteine that is not given as it is somehow toxic, and I will give N Acetyl Cysteine instead, in fact this can be given on day 1 if it is available along with lysine and threonine, but at smaller dose such as 100 mg to 250 mg to fit into the 8 doses required.

The immune system should be better within a week and then there is finding the cause that will take most of the time, such as blood mineral and amino acid status, to figure out all those heavy metals (cadmium, arsenic and lead especially) but also the amino acid low in to helped with the recovery. The likely minerals in case you are wondering is selenium (in form of selenium yeast) and some zinc (in form of zinc acetate), and B3 (in form of niacinamide) is found to be deficient in most immune comprised people, but that is the generalization. Also the person needs all this energy to fight off this, so likely to be CoQ10 (in coconut oil), quercetin and Alpha Lipoic acid (especially R lipoic acid) and Acetyl L carnitine. The detoxing of most heavy metals is N acetyl cysteine is the basic ones, and antioxidants vitamin C can be given anytime starting day 1.
