Natural Remedies

Asking Ted For Help Needed Regarding Protocol To Rid Parasites

Posted by Elusia (Waltham, Ma) on 01/03/2011

I tried to contact Ted through your website and through his email at the beginning of November, but I never heard back from him. I've had no luck treating parasites (pinworms) with herbs or medication, and I feel that perhaps I would benefit from making my body more alkaline. I don't know how to do this, though, and I would so appreciate it if Ted could answer my questions. Could you contact him and ask him to get back to me? Here are my questions:

1. Since herbs and medication have not helped, nor has a strict no-sugar diet, what is the very best method for making the intestinal tract inhospitable to parasites?
2. How long do you recommend staying on this protocol?
3. Would aloe vera help? Should I be juicing? Avoiding sugars of any kind, including fruit? Eating a raw diet? Please help. I'm desperate to stop the itching so I can sleep again. And so I can have get pregnant in the best health possible.

Replied by Brooke
Montgomery, Tx, Usa

When one of my children were little, I gave him raw green cabbage and green lettuce and it killed the worms. This is exactly how I did it: I gave him the cabbage and lettuce for 3 days straight - a type of fast I would say. During the fast I gave him Fletcher's Castoria - a whole bottle each day - 1/4 tsp every half hour. Sometimes I juiced the veggies to make it easier for him to keep eating them - with a little salt.

Replied by Elusia
Waltham, Ma

Hi Ted,

I contacted you in early November, but I never heard anything back, so you must be very busy. I'm struggling to treat a parasite infection, probably pinworms, that is keeping me up at night from the itching and terrorizing my mind. I've tried taking medication and herbs, but neither has helped. I believe that I need to create a more alkaline environment in my body in order for the worms to disappear - is this correct? I'm starting to drink the lemon/baking soda remedy every day, but I'm wondering if there's anything else I should be doing, aside from avoiding excessive meat and eliminating sugar. I want to get pregnant as soon as possible with my first child - I'm already 36 so I don't have much time - but I feel that I must clear up this issue before I do so. Can you give me any suggestions? I would so appreciate it.

Thanks so much.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
391 posts

Dear Elusia:

There are plenty of over the counter medicine such as Vermox and Reese's Pinworm Medicine. Obviously I won't use them until I have tried all the natural options. If you want a natural approach, I might try black hull walnut tincture. Perhaps I might try bentonite clay, but too much can lead to constipation. The safest I think is Milk of Magnesia, without the aluminum added of course, that is taken like a laxative. The Milk of magnesia is actually roughly an 8% magnesium hydroxide solution, and tends to reduce intestinal irritations along the way and the dose is taken as a laxative for a couple of day, until the problem goes away.

My two rules, and this applies to cancer also, that needs to be avoided that messes the liver and other problems are actually 1) Sugar and Carbs (especially wheat) and 2) vegetable oils used in cooking. The one supplements that seem to reduce irritation and help sleep is B3 niacinamde, usually 500 mg taken at night. It has an effect of reducing irritation and helping sleep. It helps to avoid wheat products, milk and artificial sugar as these product too tend to irritate the system. What the milk of magnesia does to these pinworms is they dehydrate them, and reduce irritations, but I don't believe in taking milk of magnesia for an extended period of time exceeding one week. The dosage will be as per instructions to cause a diarrhea and this should also flush out the pinworms, while the milk of magnesia itself dehydrates them.


p.s. yes been extremely busy. Mostly stage 4 cancer patients.

Replied by Lotusborn
Pahoa, Hi, Usa

Reply to Elusia from Waltham: I tried EVERYTHING for parasites, even drank horrible water with Oregano essential oil, over the counter drugs, Hulda Clarks's "Clarkia" which helped in the beginnings very well. But not any more.

Now I found Papaya seeds blended with bananas (2 small ones and 1 cup of seeds). It tastes like eating a pepper cream. But I was so tortured I didn't mind. The relief was instant as it " became quiet in there" that was the feeling I had and I am still so relieved. Trying it doesn't hurt.

Replied by Legna

1 cup of fresh papaya seeds? You ate that 1 cup all in one go? That's a lot of seeds... did you eat/ blended the papayas flesh as well? You ate this only one time? Did you ever try blending the papaya seeds with the papaya flesh?