Natural Remedies

11 Month Baby Heavily Congested - Safe to Use Hydrogen Peroxide?

Posted by Tony (New South Wales sydney) on 06/13/2024

11 month baby heavily congested

Hi! My 11 month son probably has Bronciloitus according to the doctor. He has really bad nasal congestion and it's been effecting his sleep and breast feeding. Also his in great distress (crying). Vomited a few time with phlegm. So my question is, is it safe to put a few drops of food grade 3% Hydrogen Peroxide in the 15ml saline nasal spray and administer it with the saline in his nostrils? Thanks heaps.

Replied by Madelyn

Yes it is safe. I always try stuff on myself first to make sure it doesn't sting.

Other things I've used on my kids when they were little- a humidifier with peroxide added to the water, colloidal silver added to a drink, coconut oil with fresh garlic blended in using blender and applied to chest, back and feet to clear infections, lugol's iodine painted on chest, back, and/ or neck if there's a sore throat. Make sure Lugols is 2% solution or less. If it's the 5%, just water it down before applying to skin.

Replied by Cindy
Illinois, USA
505 posts

For all things respiratory (cough and congestion) in babies, use tommy-two-socks.

Chop some onion, put it some in a sock and put it on the baby's foot so the onion is on the bottom. Cut pieces of duct tape you can fold to about the size of the bottom of their foot, like little shoe insoles, and put those over the bottom of the foot and a second pair of socks over that.

If it's not bed time or they're otherwise awake and active you can use some duct tape around the top of the sock to make the opening of the sock too small to slip off. As in, not tight around the ankle, just reducing the opening so they don't slip off.

Illinois, USA
505 posts

I neglected to say don't do this with garlic as it can blister. If you want to use garlic, put the garlic in the second sock, not next to the skin in the first sock.

There's a whole story that goes with it. You tell the story while you're doing up the socks. I don't recall the whole thing but the gist of it is that a little boy named Tommy stinks but doesn't care because he feels good. You can make up the rest. Or just make up your own story. I've also heard it called "atomic socks".