Natural Remedies

Barrett's Esophagus Without Dysplasia

Posted by Weber (TEXAS) on 02/11/2025

Barrett esophagus without dysplasia

After my endoscopy, my gastro doctor mentioned the lining of my esophagus is Barrett's disease. My gastro doc ordered Pantoprazole to take for one year followed by another endoscopy. I'm a 82 year old female with heart disease, taking blood thinners daily. I also have osteoporosis. I'm very worried about fractures, and among all the other bad side effects PPI's have. I also have a medium hiatal hernia. Your input on this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Luise W.

Replied by Bob

While you are looking for solutions start taking low dosage naltrexone. Take it indefinitely. It doesn't interfere with anything.