Natural Remedies

Biofilm Disruptors - Need Help for Severe Itching After Quitting Drinking

Posted by Matt H (England) on 12/16/2023

Hi everyone.

In May 2022, I quit drinking. Until then, I was consuming 4-5 pints of weak lager every night. Sometimes more. A few months after quitting, I started itching. A few weeks after that, I developed nasty rashes all over my body. I told my GP I thought I had candida – I read that such reactions often accompany ‘cold turkey' - but he told me it was eczema and prescribed steroids. I have battled eczema since I was four, when it almost killed me, and it didn't seem like eczema to me.

Anyway, the rash came back. My GP gave me more steroids and some powerful antihistamines. Still, the rash got worse. I saw two private dermatologists. They scraped my skin and told me it wasn't fungus. I said, ‘No, I think it is a ‘reaction' to fungus, ' and pointed to my intestines. I said I had a history of steroid and antibiotic use (for eczema), and that I ticked every box: cravings for alcohol, sugar, and refined carbs; lethargy; iron deficiency; constipation; mood swings; skin problems; thrush; etc.

One doctor diagnosed me with idiopathic urticaria, and the other, with eczema. I forwent their drugs and tried the lion diet instead. Little improved. In July 2023, after failing the spit test, I bought fluconazole online. My thrush vanished, but my skin problem remained. Then I started treating myself for candida overgrowth. Since stumbling upon this site, I have ditched my arsenal of antifungals, including fluconazole and Nystatin, which I bought myself, bought Bill's book and adopted all the protocols. These include vitamin supplementation and detox. I was already taking enzymes for biofilms - lumbrokinase, Syntol AMD, Biofilm Defense, NAC, and apo lactoferrin - and have now added turpentine to the mix. And this is where my question comes in.

Should I take both the enzyme therapy AND the turpentine therapy on the same day (i.e. enzymes A.M. and turps P.M.), or use them on alternate days/weeks? I ask because I don't want to let candida off the hook but would prefer not to scratch myself to death. My skin has been bad for a year, and I'm tired. I also tolerate Borax better than I tolerate iodine, but I will persist.

I apologise for the lengthy post and thank you for your time.

Yours, and still itching, Matt H.

Replied by Art
2153 posts

Hi Matt H,

Before you go further with various treatments, it may be worth asking your doctor to check your liver enzyme levels as you mentioned you had quit drinking in May 2022, and the fact that you mentioned it at all gives the impression that you did some significant drinking when you were drinking. Significant alcohol consumption is well established for damaging the liver and just because you stop drinking doesn't mean that your liver automatically rebounds to normal. Two known symptoms of liver disease are itching and rash as discussed here : may have a reddish, in the skin or eyelids.

So the point being, before you put more load on your liver with other treatments for rash or fungus, which can be a major problem for a compromised liver. It is just a simple blood test to find out the status of your liver enzymes. Once you have established that your liver enzymes are normal, then you can pursue your other options. Good luck and keep us updated!


Matt H

Many thanks, Art. I shall do so.

Replied by Art
2153 posts

Hi again Matt H,

I forgot to mention that fungal and bacterial infections are also symptoms of liver disease.


Replied by Rob

Look into Grover's Disease..

After reading your story, it reminded me of my cousin (60) also got candida while drinking (skin). He quit drinking (2yrs ago) and developed a strange rash on his body that itched. His Dr. was trying to say it was a skin parasite (chiggers?). He texted me a pic of the rash and I immediately recognized it as Grover's. So I told him to go to the grocery store and get cilantro and make a smoothie out of it. He did this every day, and in 2 weeks, the rash was gone.

Follow the EC Cilantro Smoothie Recipe

Replied by Liza
San Diego

Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Or NAET is nothing short of a miracle if you follow it to the T. it is nor easy to complete for the rules are very strict otherwise it won't work. One has to complete the entire course. But of course the NAET professional will work with you on that.

An example. My sister's wounds would heal very slowly, no supplementation was working. Her body was rejected zinc even though she her zinc was low. Only after she eliminated zinc “rejection” then added it back to her treatment protocol she had a success.