Natural Remedies

Borax and DMSO

Posted by Nancy (Texas ) on 02/08/2025

I read the article on using borax topically then applying DMSO. It works like magic for my back pain and sciatica. I've been told the only Chris fusion surgery. I love how this works. My question is, is the safe to use the borax with the DMSO as the DMSO will drive the borax directly into the bloodstream and passes the blood brain barrier. I appreciate any feedback. Thank you.

Replied by Neco

Hallo Nancy

ich weiss nicht ob sicher ist, aber im Gehirn gibts auch Borax,

also sollte keine Problem sein. Ich nehme jeden tag 1-2 gr Borax pulver und da neben benutze für ausserlich und innerlich DMSO.

Alles ok... Nejdet


Hello Nancy

I don't know if it's safe, but there's also borax in the brain,

so there shouldn't be a problem. I take 1-2 grams of Borax powder every day and also use DMSO externally and internally.

Everything's ok... Nejdet