Natural Remedies

Borax Inhalation for Mold Exposure?

Posted by Mol (USA) on 11/13/2024

Anybody tried inhaling borax steam after exposure to mold? Just cleaned up all the mold with borax. Would appreciate any input. LOVE THIS SITE!

Replied by Art
2345 posts

Hi Mol,

It may be too harsh for the lungs to inhale borax steam because the pH of the interior of the lungs is right around 7.4 whereas borax has a pH of approximately 9.2, significantly more alkaline than the interior of the lungs.


Replied by Sunshine
On a cloudy day

Nope, have not tried it. Let us know how it goes. You might consider taking expectorants and drinking Ted's boron solution ( because you tend to swallow what your lungs cough out ). Spitting out what you cough up is also a good idea.

A Reddit article says this;

"I randomly typed in to Google earlier, turpentine and mold and boyyy was I amazed. It's DEADLY to mold and fungus! It literally cleans the blood stream of any mycotoxins as well as the intestinal track. It's such a potent solvent it even passes the blood brain barrier! It wipes the lungs clean too.

You can even mix the turpentine with 100% organic hexane free castor oil and rub it over your chest region to kill mold on the lungs"

Pure gum spirits of turpentine is relatively inexpensive.
