Natural Remedies

Burning Pain in Lower Legs Slowly Getting Worse - Please Help

Posted by Bunty (South Africa) on 12/19/2021

First - thank you for this wonderful store of knowledge and all the helpful suggestions!

I have a burning pain in my lower legs that has persisted for over two years, and seems to be slowly getting worse. It's strange because I'm an otherwise extremely healthy person.

This pain is not static. Sometimes it's over the top of my shins, sometimes extending over the top of the feet, sometimes in the outer calf muscles, and sometimes more towards the inner leg. I'm most aware of it when I'm sitting on my bed reading, or with computer on lap.

My physio says my pulses are good in both legs, so it seems not to be a circulation problem. He tried treating the nerves in one leg (which didn't seem to help), and tried using kinesiology tape on the other, to try and loosen the fascia. (Also didn't seem to help.) I can't keep going back to him as finances don't allow it at the moment.

Any wonderful suggestions?

Replied by Art
2153 posts


Has your doctor tested your vitamin B12 level? B12 deficiency can cause nerve damage over time that can present as pain, burning or numbness in the legs and or feet. It can also cause fatigue or tiredness.

Some people are not able to absorb B12 well, especially as we get older and may require injections or sometimes sublingual under the tongue dissolvable B12 in the form of high dose methylcobalamin B12 such as 5000 mcg dosing may be sufficient.
