Natural Remedies

Would Candida Protocol Be Appropriate for Teen with JRA?

Posted by Tammy (Alberta) on 02/10/2016

I am wondering if the Candida protocol from "Candida:Killing So Sweetly" would be appropriate for my 15 year old daughter who has been diagnosed with JIA (Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis)? I would suspect she does have a candida problem since she was born by C-section and I was on a great deal of antibiotics while nursing her. I am also a little worried about the "die off" as she has been a competitive swimmer for the past eight years and the amount of chlorine in her system may be extreme. Does the autoimmune disease contraindicate the use of the Iodine protocol. I myself am going to do it but I was wondering about her mostly?

Replied by Bill
San Fernando, Philippines

Hi Tammy...Although I appreciate your fears about your daughter taking the anti-candida protocol, your long term choices for your daughter, as I see them, are as follows: If your daughter doesn't take anything to cure her candida so that she can compete in swimming competitions without Herx hindrance then her systemic candida is bound to spread and worsen and, in the end, will be more difficult to cure later. But if your daughter does take the protocol now, she may well suffer Herx reactions which could indeed effect her swimming competitiveness and results. The other beneficial effect from doing it this way is that she will hopefully be able to get rid of her systemic candida infection more easily than later and have a higher quality of life for the rest of her life. Those are really your choices.

The most up to date anti-candida protocol is here. If your daughter has both JRA and candida then its also highly likely that her JRA has arisen because of all the candida poisons and toxins circulating in her blood. Killing the candida using the protocol should therefore help to reduce these waste toxins thereby helping to reduce or eradicate the pain from the JRA as well.

To get rid of your daughter's excessive chlorine problem, take 6 -10 drops of Sodium Thiosulfate(ST) in a glass of water once a day everyday. ST should be taken away from other nutrients. ST also kills candida and detoxes heavy metals as well. The best time to take ST is in the evening because it also helps you to sleep. From the protocol, Iodine will also help to remove the chlorine. Do not supplement lugols iodine anywhere near ST supplementation.

A 10% solution of sodium thiosulfate solution can be bought from most aquaculture shops and can also be purchased online. In fish tank water, ST is used to remove the chlorine which is so lethal to the fish. By the way, I'm also the author of Candida: Killing So Sweetly.

Replied by Timh
2063 posts

If I may add, in the event of herx, my first major fungal kills were when I began Foot-bath Zapping. A few hrs after the zapp, the fungal toxins collect in the gallbladder and so at the first bite of a meal they dump in the gut, back into the bloodstream, and there's a bad headache for several hrs. So, it became mandatory to take a dose of either Activated Charcoal or Bentonite Clay prior to the meal so all those toxins are chelated and do not enter the bloodstream.

Replied by Tammy

Thank you, I will have her do the Candida protocol with me.
