Natural Remedies

Need a Remedy to Kill a Chronic Virus Ruining My Life

Posted by Heyjamieboy (Paramus, Nj) on 12/15/2015


My life has been defined by chronic illness. Today is 12-16-2015 I have been mostly sleeping and exhausted heading pounding malaise short of breath for 59 days straight!! I have a massive history of bronchitis since being a child I am eating better but...

For 3 to six months a year I struggle and have no quality of life. FYI I am 61 and physicals are a ok. It's a virus which is now getting worse!! Recently a friend actually said can't you pretend to be well instead of ill You know that feeling when you come out of a deep sleep or are coming down with something? That's how I feel all the time!!!!!! I am now avoiding processed foods my weight is good imagine a migraine for 59 days! Sleeping 10 - 16 hours a day and I am not depressed!!

This virus is brutal and I will do anything - lost my job the doctor has been notified, but I lost my coverage. I have no cough, no congestion, but lots of body ache and need a Thera flu everyday. This is becoming a life lost and people mock me for being the sick one and just don't do anything. I look ok but I am not walking to my car or taking a shower is exhausting!!

I need to sleep every 3-4 hours. Today is now 60 days straight with about five relapses and I have stopped everything trying to recover nothing is helping ....... Yet I need some ideas and more!!

I am taking selenium, maca cold pressed juices zinc mushroom powder coconut oil vitamins c d multis green vibrant. Berry powder fish oil Protein magnesium Juices When I am well I get up and kick butt when not well I can do nothing.

This illness is going to cost me everything!! Please help!!!!!

Replied by Dave
Fountain Inn, Sc

Hello "Heyjamieboy", turn your life around fast...FAST....

I suggest (and I always say "if this were me")...I'd immediately start on three tablespoons thrice daily on empty stomach of colloidal silver. In one week you might actually begin feeling the strength coming back. Also I'd take three drops of Echinacea in a glass of water twice daily.

If you do feel more strength coming back keep up protocol for a month. You would need to be on this program for a year or two. Maybe the rest of your life.

You have a full systemic infection; and that is why for life perhaps. For the bronchial you must get from a drug store a "steamer-inhaler".

Fill the inhaler with two tablespoons of colloidal silver and vigorously breath into lungs twice daily. Do this for a month to kill virus in bronchial passages and lungs.

The above suggestions are what I would do. And have done for ridding my system of body wide infection and killing virus in lungs and bronchial.

SERIOUSLY....this worked for me and MANY others.

Merry Christmas.

Replied by Claudia
San Fran

I am sorry that you are feeling so badly.

I would immediately stop taking Theraflu if I were you. This is probably making you feel much worse and preventing you from feeling better. It's not meant to be taken every day. You can always try taking Oscillococcinum homeopathic pellets instead, but not for more than 2 days.

If this were me, I would first try a few weeks taking one BHT supplement a day. If that didn't work, I would then try olive leaf extract capsules. You also need some immune support herbs and vitamins. Ask at your local health food store for recommendations.

Also, stop eating any dairy, sugar and gluten. That should make you feel better within 2-3 days.

Please let us know how you are doing.

Replied by Heyjamieboy
New Jersey


Thank you and Merry Christmas! I will try the colloidal silver. Do you think a ketone diet high in fats and low in carbs will help? To all those reading thank you and ideas are needed .my life has stopped and imagine a 60 day headache and there are brain Infections too.


Thank you for your help I am desperate. I can't even write out a Christmas card and I am used to being active when not sick Imagine sleeping for two months not functioning What do you think of a ketone diet change. High fat meat salads low carbs. Could this virus feed off of glucose? The diet is kind if a test but thank you!!!

Replied by Dave
Fountain Inn, Sc

Hey Jamieboy,

Only do one thing to see what is helping. Try the CS first and leave diet for later if CS doesn't work.

Replied by Hey Jamieboy
Paramus Nj

Today is day 67 of hell. I am not been able to get up or function to at least lunch time everyday-wiped out, exhausted, sleeping all the time---often short of breath, at a lot of head pain, pounding, brainfog to the point of being very scary!


i have tried colloidal silver, echanacia, bought lysine, sellenium, ACV, zinc, taking 30000iu of vitamin d and I am taking resverTrol. I reduced the processed foods and sugar too. I get a little relief some nights but my sleep is now off too from being in bed all day!!

------ Get some chainlink fence and I will be the zombie mascot of EarthClinic!

Dave, I will try inhaling Colloidal Silver too but I can be very ill all day good at night but mornings are hell too.

I am actually getting very scared. Even today I had shortness of breath and yesterday I never got out of bed.

I am no better today than I was on October 16 2015

I am too weak to write a Christmas card and talking on the phone is an effort when the head pain kicks in.

I had some relief the other day and wanted to kick butt!! Next day back in bed often thinking I may have to go to a hospital but then it subsides ---- I wake up in pain and misery and if I am lucky I come out of it hour later ....

I would give up everything I own for normal health not perfect health.

That's how bad this is!!

I ask for any and all feedback, I believe in prayer and God and will keep trying. I am 61 years old full of life, I have a big heart I love animals, I write, I take care of my mother in the nursing home as I can but now all has stopped.

I lost my job, my benefits and after you are sick for a while people get sick of you being sick and you try to survive... It's all you can do......

Replied by Tricia
Waterford Ireland
84 posts

Have you considered Lyme disease as being responsible for your symptoms. The "Here today gone tomorrow" that resonates for me and sets the alarms going.

Paramus, Nj

Yes it Lyme and thank you Trisha I will see you In Ireland one day!!

Today is day 122 of hell doxycycline and now rocefin iv I am not functioning at all - in bed all the time and waiting for disability brain fog fatigue head pain weak dizzy short of breath at rest even hallucinating a total Zombie!

now what? mri spinal tap? help and feedback needed!!

Replied by Timh
2042 posts

JB: In a situation like this it is difficult to get or remain objective, so the mind may go wondering about and come to some false conclusions concerning the problem.

Try and improve anything or everything in your environment. You spoke of improving your diet and are taking some very good supplements. In addition, are you filtering your air & water?

Have you ever done any cleanses, like para-cleanse, colon cleanse, gallbladder cleanse. Consider broadening your conclusion as simply being a virus, as if the immune system is weakened, you are susceptible to also bacteria and funguses.

Did I miss you mentioning Iodine supplementation. Iodine is very important for overall health of the entire body.

Speaking of Iodine, I would seek special care in diagnostics as you may not get much from a GPMD, that is, get a diagnostic panel from an endocrinologist. Your entire glandular system may be below normal.

Particular remedies to add to your current protocol:

-Iodine (most people recommend Lugols but any you can find affordable will be good start).

-L-Tyrosine amino acid, will combine w/ the Iodine to boost mood & energy.

-St. John'swort herb will help in the killing of viral infections as well as improving mood.

-Research the herb Schizandra as it is one of the best herbal tonic for restoration & rejuvenation, particularly the lungs & liver. Astragalus herb is also indicated for boosting immunity and strengthening the lungs.

Replied by Heyjamieboy
Paramus Nj

Thank you and yes I have been checked for Lyme disease but I have had this virus and bronchitis 100 times or more

i am hypersomnia which means sleep all the time but what is the cause??

I am reading everything I can

But there is much work to do and as Dave mentioned it could be a full systemic virus in the organs and tissues but any relief is short lived

I take care or some feral cats who I pet and we have deer around too

Merry Christmas

Replied by Jim
Frostburg, Md

Your symptoms can match an allergic reaction. Take a 200 mg magnesium citrate in the morning and one in the evening. Magnesium calms allergic reactions. You should notice some benefit and rather quickly.

Your diet is a likely cause of your troubles. Cut out all dairy, gluten, and sugar for a week. If symptoms alleviate noticeably then re-introduce, one-at-a-time.

Replied by Mmsg
Somewhere, Europe

Hey Jamieboy, try large'ish dosages of Vitamin C.

Replied by Heyjamieboy
Paramus Nj

Tricia in ireland

Thank you and I think you Dave and others have helped so much. I may have stage two nuerological Lyme disease! I have the brain fog/ headaches: massive fatigue / I tire every two hours/ and I cannot get out of bed until the afternoon/ dizzy

I want to tell everyone I read what they write and it is taken to heart and means alot

today is Christmas 2015 and maybe my gift is now knowing what I have rather that all terrible fears and unknown

I am going to jump on this and well care and I would like to hear Lyme disease success stories - today is day 70 as a zombie in bed but it's aKeats darkest before DAWN

Replied by Rebel
Somewhere Usa

Check out what the guy (Matt) I think on here said about sea salt for Lyme's.

Replied by Heyjamieboy
New Jersey

Today is day 158 and I have no quality of Life from Lyme. My meds doxycycline and rocefin started 1-5-2016. I am more dead than alive and death would be an improvement!! It is brutal I have not been out at night since February 10th miserable! But after sleeping I get worse and worse and the Lyme seems to build or ferment. I have been in bed 158 days for the most part. It's IN the brain and heart and messing with everything I can sleep and be fine and wake up so ill I want too go to the hospital - this happens all the time. What can this be from the Lyme and has anybody heard if this! Often it takes half the day to sleep more and I wake feeling like I haven't slept And my heart is pounding and palpitations are bad. The Lyme brain fog and pain are too much Why is sleep killing me? The arthritis is brutal and I can barely walk and I am weak and dead inside. I am drinking ginger, cayenne pepper, lemon, turmeric Eating ok. Ia'm about to try a homeopath too I am in agony have ZERO quality of life. And will lose my home and pets and things I care about. Any physical exertion is exhausting me Even getting dressed. Any ideas and feedback will help. Could all this pain be the illness dying off and the toxins that follow? I don't even know How a human can be this sick this long. I can't take care of myself and losing it. Please get me feedback.

Replied by Timh
2042 posts

First problem is the way we perceive medical information; the easy way. That is, I have a certain bacteria in my body and my doctor is treating it therefor I must get better. Second problem is "not getting better".

This same problem exist especially in the AIDS community believing HIV is "the single cause" of AIDS; very untrue but this is the easy way.

If you want to get well again you must realize that your condition is much more complex than a single bacteria that is not responding to medical treatment.

There are many such cases as yours here on E.C. and only a few get healing because the truth hurts and the cure is a big job.

So, if you wish to get well no matter how difficult the truth and the natural treatments then please affirm and I will respond with exact remedies to cure the ills.

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Heyjamieboy,

Your suffering sounds dreadful and intense. I am sorry to hear it has continued.

Have you tried colloidal silver yet as I think Dave has suggested? My dog was sick unto death with a tick borne disease (though it wasn't Lyme) and I gave him very large doses of Colloidal Silver that I make myself. It cured him where the doxycycline from the vet could not.

I do not know why your sleep is so unproductive for you. I would try something like activated charcoal (2-4 capsules) with a glass of water at bedtime to help detox while you sleep.

Also a baking soda or epsom salt bath before bed if possible. 1 cup of either in a warm bath for 20 minutes.

There are many things you can try but hopefully these suggestions won't be difficult to implement.

I hope you will find what works for you and feel much better soon.

~Mama to Many~