Natural Remedies

Seeking Advice for Dark, Sunken Eyes From Vegan Diet

Posted by Daniel (UK) on 04/29/2021


I've had dark really sunken eyes since becoming vegetarian then vegan over the last decade. I've been A vegan for 8 years and they're at their worst now. I don't have fat in the eye sockets so they're literally hollow. I eat a varied diet with lots of seeds, nuts and fats/oils.

No diet changes as a vegan have helped and I take loads of vitamin and mineral supplements but they make no difference at all.

I've done blood tests for everything including anaemia, b12, vitamin d, thyroid, adrenal fatigue but I have no deficiencies or health problems at all.

I'm not underweight. I've tried every type of protein powder.

I've consulted drs, Chinese medicine drs, Ayurvedic drs, herbalists and an endocrinologist. I saw an optician and have no eye health problems.

I really need help with this because I'm stuck.

Thanks a lot.


Replied by Charity
Faithville, US

Phytic acid coats seeds, grains, legumes, and nuts and if you soak them and sprout them they become more nutritious but if not they can suck minerals out of your body when you eat them. Gut health is also a culprit for many of us on planet earth. I like Eric Berg teachings on youtube and he has helped me a lot.

What Causes Dark Circles Under Eyes? | Dr. Eric Berg - YouTubePhytic Acid 101: Everything You Need to Know (

I had dark circles and it can be nationality or thin skin around eye. Borax seems to make mine lighter. I use a pinch in my water and take chanca piedra with it to keep stones from organs causing pain . Blessings, Charity

Replied by Gigi

I remember reading dark eyes are a liver issue. Do some research in that area. See if it helps.. to clean your liver.. milk thistle?

Replied by Susanna

Hi Daniel. You didn't mention your age, but many people lose the fat pockets underneath their eyes as they age. You could try collagen supplements and red light led masks, but I think the only thing that really works if they are really sunken is to get the areas injected with a filler, which believe it or not, is made from a very popular ingredient used in many topical skin formulas and also taken as a supplement for joint pain - hyaluronic acid. If you find something else that restores your fat pockets, let us know! Good luck.

Replied by Daniel

Thanks everyone for replying. It's not cosmetic fat loss around the eyes, it's complete loss of all the orbital fat over time virtually - I can put my finger between the top of my eye and inside the socket. I've done liver marker blood tests which all turned up ok but I'm trying milk thistle and choline to detox the liver see if that helps. It's definitely related to gut issues one way or another because I always look and feel drained too. My body just doesn't feel like it wants food, not me you understand. I soak nuts and seeds overnight and I still have digestive issues with them and porridge oats too. I think it relates to the whole digestive system and organs concerned with it. Perhaps enzymes - I seem to struggle to digest anything except tofu and protein powders. I've looked at filler operations but I'd rather cure it somehow. I've put on a stone over the last year and I'm normal 13'7 but it made zero difference to my eyes and face.

I'm not sure but I'll keep on trying.



Just for the record, I found out it's actually a hormonal hair loss prevention medication called finasteride I'm taking. Now I can be bald but healthy or unhealthy but with beautiful hair! Thanks for your help. I suggest any man should think carefully before taking it.

Replied by Terra
New Zealand

Former vegan here...had VERY similar situation. It was miraculously solved by eating meat. Sorry, but true...veg 8yrs, vegan 9/10....have science & nutrition background, did everything right. After at time I could never could get any stronger/add muscle, tired & weak...added SOME meat & in 4 months I miraculously progressed athletically to a level that I couldn't achieve for YEARS.

There is a reason you have been deteriorating over time & it ISN'T AGE. It's a wonderful ideal, I gave it GREAT go, but life is about BALANCE not extremes. I still eat mainly vegan/vegetarian & am dairy free.

Manchester, UK.


May I ask you a random question, please?

Did you supplement with essential amino acids as a vegetarian/vegan?

If so, did these make a difference to your strength levels?

I'm asking out of curiosity as a meat eater, that lifts weights. I've always thought meat eaters were stronger than non meat eaters.

Vegans always say you can grow muscle fast on a vegan diet and I've always been interested and curious how they would get the correct amino acid profile for muscle growth.

Kind regards.


Thank you for sharing. I am currently researching diet in an attempt to determine the most ideal one. It doesn't appear to be a vegan one. I have been noticing the sunken in eyes of vegans. Does anyone happen to know if vegetarians also get this problem?

New Zealand

Hello Max,

Elephants are vegetarian, yet they are known to be quite strong! Same goes for many other very large and strong animals.

My personal worry for quite a while now, is the excessive uric acid / urea that I seem to be getting from the protein in my diet, as revealed in blood tests in the past. This seems to be causing some mischief in my thumb joints in particular. I have always endeavored to counteract this by taking a few, appropriate supplements but also by cutting down on meat consumption, which in some instances (chicken and mince), will cause mild digestive upsets : indicative of a problem of absorption!

I have had success by taking a high-quality probiotic prior to the main, evening meal.

If we could only metabolize the good diet we (hopefully) consume we would be half way "there".

BTW, it is generally believed by some, to be beneficial to not eat after eight p.m.

I hope you find the answers you are looking for.

N.B. "metabolism (noun): the chemical processes that occur in living organisms, resulting in growth, production of energy and elimination of waste ... metabolic (adj)" ref. Collins Dictionary.

Cheers from Down Under

Replied by Ella

Hello. I have the same problem - a sudden dent on the upper eyelids and a feeling of suction over both eyes. It's quite distressing. From what I've read it's called SUPERIOR SULCUS. It's caused by a loss of orbital fat. This can happen as a result of medicine for glaucoma, such as bimatoprost. Also it's part of ageing. Personally, I don't buy the natural ageing narrative. If the eyes suddenly appear sunken then something must be wrong. Lots of things can be reversed, so the hunt is on: how to restore orbital fat?

Personally, I would research nutrient deficiencies caused by a vegan diet and get your health checked out. Upper eyelid sulcus can also be caused by allergies and sinusitis. Good luck.

Replied by Jay

Hello brother, this happened to me after being a vegan for 6 years mainly fruit and raw.
With no nuts or seeds.
I did some fasting and then the upper eyelid sinks back
I wake with it looking ok and through the day in sinks in more and more.
If I sleep in day and wake up its ok again.
I did have a bad b12 deficiency a year ago, but no improvement...
It's very strange, I sometimes feel like it's heavy inflammation in meat based diets that cause the eyes to look full
But in my son, who eats so very well, his eyes are perfect.
Have you had any luck with them...
Sending love to you x

Replied by Jay

Good day sister,
Thankyou for your input.
May I ask did you have sunken eyes and did they get better from eating meat, may I also ask what meats?
Have a blessed experience here
Sending love