Natural Remedies

Urgent Help Needed for Daughter with Chronic Stomach Pain

Posted by Sheila (Texas) on 04/06/2017

If Ted can answer, I am desperate for help. Our daughter has been in hospital for 13 days. Released yesterday. But prior to that the stomach pain started 5 weeks ago. We have tried two hospitals. Neither could find anything. They tested for parasites. And looked at all organs, and did a GI scope. They tested for a lot of things, but I don't know if they tested for everything. They didn't look at lower intestines. Just upper.

She didn't eat for awhile it hurts so bad. But now, she makes herself eat. She has pain all the time, not just when she eats. But eating and drinking make it worse. especially eating. Even just a few bites.

The dr's ran all the tests. They can't find an answer. Her worst pain is right above the navel. But the whole stomach (abdomen) hurts. She's not constipated and her system has been cleaned out. Pain meds didn't do a thing for her. Not even morphine. They said it was in her head. But we know better. They tried to cost her stomach also. Her feet are also in lots of pain.

We normally don't use medicine, and I've gotten lots of help from this website. I've never emailed before. They thought she might have campylobacter virus but then they said that was a false negative. She developed a bad cough with stomach ache and migraine headaches. The cough went away but not the stomach ache or head aches. She's well hydrated. She drinks a lot of gatorade.

I've seen Ted reply to some other people's emails so I was hoping he's seen this problem before and could help. We are very desperate. Thank you a million times. God bless you.

EC: Sheila, we are so sorry, but Ted is unable to correspond much at this time since his stroke June, 2015. You can read updates here. Hopefully someone else can offer some suggestions.

Replied by Sapna

I have similar problems like your daughter couple of years ago. Doctor did all test and find nothing. One of my friend suggested to go gluten free and dairy free diet for some times. As soon as I went gluten and dairy free, all my problems went away. I am not allergic to wheat but I am gluten intolerance. I also take gluten free probatics everyday it helped me to eat wheat sometimes. Hope it helps

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Sheila,

My heart goes out to you and your daughter!

A few initial thoughts would be castor oil packs and slippery elm bark.

Castor oil packs are so wonderful for pain, especially abdominal pain. I have used them many times for different stomach pains. You get a cotton flannel cloth and apply castor oil to it. Place that over the abdomen and cover with plastic wrap and cover with a heating pad. I usually find pain subsides in 30 minutes and I feel relaxed. This saved me a couple of emergency room visits.

Slippery elm bark is a gentle herb that is nutritive. It is about the most gentle thing I can think of to eat.

Milk kefir would be another possibility.

Home made bone broth is gentle on the stomach, too.

Baking soda baths are also helpful for pain reduction, we have found. 1 cup per bath. My children will take them voluntarily because they know it helps.

While none of the above are diagnostic, each can bring a measure of healing to different conditions. It would be a place to begin to reduce pain.

I am wondering how old your daughter is?

Please keep in touch and I will send along more ideas if I think of something else.

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Baldev
180 posts

Hi Sheila,

Sorry to read your post that your daughter is suffering like this. I have a few suggestions, which you can try. Kindly give her high dose of vit.c, ie Ascorbic acid + sodium bi carbonate to make it ascorbate or if you can get vit.c in ascorbate form. Start it with 3 gms divided in to three doses morning after noon and evening. Keep increasing the dose till she gets loose motion that is the dose she can tolerate and continue with that dose till she gets relief. It may be that she may tolerate 5 to 7 gms a day in three doses morning afternoon and evening. You can disolve it in water and let her drink the water.

Secondly let her drink water with half a lemon in 200 cc of water as much as possible. I wish she gets relief.

Good Luck,


Replied by Joy

The first thing that I read from your post was that your daughter drinks "a lot of Gatorade". Why is she not drinking just plain water? If she has this problem with stomach pain. There are so many foods and drinks natural that I would be trying also how about mineral supplements? Sounds like her diet in general may need a good overhaul.

Replied by Janet

Dear Sheila, I have and still use Ted's remedies.

My first thought when I read your email was a twist in her intestine. I am sure she has been tested but thought I would mention it.

Ted's wise words have taught our family digestion. You did not talk about supplements. I will just go through our checklist.

Magnesium is my go to for pain so a castor oil pack would be effective. More than pain meds.

A cut up flannel about the size of a bath towel or a worn clean towel or even paper towels if all you have. In a gallon ziploc. Add castor oil. Enough to saturate. Using the bag squeeze out excess as you pull it out so it is not drippy. Add magnesium oil. To make it 60% mag flakes in a jar add 40% water. Let sit a half hour shake. Add a tsp or two to saturated flannel. If you have no other you can use milk of magnesia in a pinch. Dmso will help if you have it on clean skin only. A capful added to pack. Lavender essential oil a drop or two is healing and calming. Ideally you have everything but in reality not everyone has. My advice use what you do have. Coconut oil and m.o.m. applied if thats what is on hand.

Applying lavender oil to her spine will further help the internal reach of remedies you are using and castor oil would help it spread.

Epsom baths or soaks will relax and kill some pain too

Castor oil pack. Lay pack folded to fit torso. Add some plastic wrap to cover. Lay her on a towel add a heating pad on low to medium on pack. 20 minutes at least. We do them longer but 20 minutes at least.

Internally. The bs reset hunger. B6 as p5p we buy Terrys Naturally, is a pain killer. Digestion reset. It is very helpful. A miracle in a bottle.

Papaya enzyme stops pain comes as a chewable and resets digestion. Ours is American Health brand.

We use dried papaya fruit as a digestive help. And being a food gives correct nutrition to the gut. We buy at the co op as we do all of the things I am listing. Also available on Amazon. Farm stores usually carry these things too.

Humic acid. This heals the gut provides minerals. You can make it or order black water from the internet this is what I did at the start of our journey and makes it simple. A tablespoon in a beverage. It resets digestion. It heals. It is one of teds top remedies with good reason.

Bs the b6 I mentioned already. To normalize her appetite. There are several ways to do this. Brewers yeast 1 or 2 tbsp added to food is loaded with bs.

Liver you can buy powder in capsules. Or eat lightly cooked liver. Liver is great because it is high in b3 as niacinamide. Niacinamide is needed in the whole body from head to toe. It assists the liver, digestion, brain skin. It is critical in digestion. I buy niacinamide from the Vitamin Shoppe their brand because they do not add regular niacin to it.

Taking b50 or b100 is an option.

These are my thoughts on your needs right now. Because she is in so much pain some baking soda 1/2 hour after she eats would be a basic need in her body. 1/4 to 1/2 tsp of baking soda in water.

Bromelain enzyme helps food digest. Reduces reactions from foods. It relieves pain taken away from food. Amazing stuff. Look for one that does not come with msg added and it is hard to find.

To take magnesium internally 5 drops of mag oil in water is about 250mg or mag citrate capsules. 250mg 2x a day to start.

This will assist her stomach and gallbladder to work optimally helping improve her digestion.

Electrolyte drink 1/4 tsp of sea salt in water. Helps pain and provides needed trace minerals to entire body.

This is where I would start. Mostly though use what you have. Do not get caught up too much in details until you have a chance to get correct stuff. Amazon can get it to you quickly.

For future reference. Look at d3 and selenium yeast as further gut healing and overall health. Janet

Replied by Iowama
Iowa, Usa


I am so glad you posted. My son is going through something sounding very like this. He's mid 20's, in the big city on his own, and putting his faith in his medical insurance. Eating anything other than his 3 or 4 safe foods causes extreme abdominal pain, with back pain and sometimes a stuffy feeling in his head. He's lost weight. He's under the care of a top gastroenterologist and has been cleaned out and had a colonoscopy with no diagnosis. I sent him a link to EC's page on Pyloric and Ileocecal Valve malfunction, which you will find here: I hope you will give it a read to see if your answer lies within. Their cases may turn out to be dissimilar, but they sure are sounding a lot alike. I believe his answer may be that he is sharing a twin bed with his girlfriend, with both his back and his intestinal function suffering severely from it. His faith is not with his mama at this time in his life.

There's an answer out there and I hope it comes quickly. May God bless your efforts.

Replied by Maria Khan

Hi Sheila, So sorry that your daughter is in so much pain.Try pure honey for stomach pain.It helps me and my family tremendously in stomach pain or any digestive problem.She can take one tablespoon with each meal. For feet pain apply Magnesium oil .I make my own by mixing magnesium chloride powder with aloe vera jel and apply on the feet or legs of my kids or husband at night.They sleep restfully all night.For migraine Ted always advises to take potassium citrate.For kids dose of potassium citrate check Ted remedies for migraine.

Replied by Sue
Fairfax Va

I just read about this -- a long shot for what is going on with your daughter, but maybe worth checking out:

Washington Post: Health & Science
I had terrible groin pain. If I'd been a man, they would've figured it out sooner. by Hillary Gully

Replied by Michael
New Zealand

Hi there Sheila.

I concur with Mama to Many on this one, especially the Castor Oil technique. Do it every day for and hour if you can and I can personally attest to the benefits for PAIN after a good few days of regular use. Use a hot water bottle:- buy one if you have to and pop it into your first aid cabinet. Even putting (a not too hot) one on your tummy at night MAY help. Wrap it in an old tea towel (do we still have those these days?). Quite soothing and helps you to "drop off".

But also, my Wife has experienced tremendous relief from a persistent stomach ache by strictly following a WHEAT free diet. Only took a week or so to bring much needed relief.

We have found that one does not need wheat to survive and we figure we have been eating too much wheat in our diet in the past. I don't want to get "Wheat Belly Syndrome".

May not suit everyone but worth a try. Unfortunately, she is loosing weight with this approach and she does not want to as she is already underweight: a problem many would no doubt wish was theirs I suppose!

I am assuming she does not have a stomach ulcer?

Cheers, Michael

Replied by Charity
Faithville, Usa

If he is low water, he will produce lots of histamine and a mineral imbalance can also create histamine production. The gall bladder needs healthy fats to produce bile to digest his food and if he doesn't eat any probiotic foods then he will lack enzymes to break down the foods he tries to eat..what ARE THE FOODS HE IS ABLE TO INGEST???

Replied by Terry
7 posts

My son-in-law had this problem for 20 years, stomach pain all the time, could not work for the pain, could not eat or drink, lost weight, they said it was in his head treated him for head problems. All the time it was his gallbladder. It was rotten no stones. We told them to check it, they said it was fine, we found out it just worked sometimes. Had it taken out and he is fine.