Rescue Dog's Skin Problems Improving, But Open to More Ideas!
SPCA rescue In my care for 2 months now. Feeding high quality, 4.5 star kibble. First pork, last bag duck and turkey.
Open sores he came with are closed, hair grown back but upon using latest flavor which has potato as second ingredient and sweet potato as number 6 ingredient scales itchy sores came back on chest Neck and by ear.
Have done both mange treatments, was improving until flavor switch, yeasty smell started again.
Studying raw feeding. Husky/Akita mix. Huskies can have zinc deficiency.
Two days now feeding mixture of brown rice w cottage cheese and raw chicken wing. Bone broth. People Papaya enzymes, some canned sardine, tumeric with coconut oil paste, Costco MSM, Hcl and glucosamine. Yogurt. Colostrum supplements.
Lumpy sores on chest necklace and face by ear are still there. Hoping sardines will supply zinc.
I was told this could be a genetic immune deficiency but want to try earth clinic treatment before resorting to expensive tests.
Can I provide needed nutrients from my own kitchen? Plan to pick up liver today.
The dog is not as hyperactive, smells less and has nice coat now so he is improving. Very sensitive and upset at being given up but bonding and enjoying daily trips to local dog park.
Raining today, no bath.
Any advice is welcome.
Sydney, Australia
Mpls., Mn
Hey K!
It sounds like you are doing all the right things! You have found diets that work for your dog, and what he may be allergic to in the other diet. To deal with systemic yeast you might try Ted's Borax protocol for dogs and also alkalizing his drinking water with baking soda. In addition, a dip in Ted's Mange remedy might help with the sores on his skin - at minimum a bath followed by a vinegar rinse [1 part vinegar to 10 parts water] will help with the itchies.
Consider adding anti-inflamatories such as turmeric to the food, or yucca drops, or quercetin.
Lastly probiotics or acidophillus added to his food will help balance the flora in the gut and fight the yeast from the inside out.
Please report back!