Natural Remedies

Supplement for Autoimmune Issues Causing Detox Side Effects, Please Help

Posted by Brad (Providence Ri) on 04/22/2017

Need help. Wondering if anyone has felt like this and what I can do to feel better. Eating clean/ paleo. Done many many diets in past years. Read for 7 years so I know a lot. Started digestacure to heal autoimmune issues psoriasis/psa/ankloysing spondylitis. Within days bowel movement is best it's been in years so that is a big homerun. Two old injuries are hurting very very bad. Can barely walk. Support team telling me this is normal. Been 5 weeks now. No fun no sleep barely. Any options on how to alleviate the pain. Supplements are not working currently. I believe they are getting lost up in the toxic bloodstream. Desperate.

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Brad,

Just yesterday I was reading about drinking dandelion tea to help move toxins you are releasing out through the urine instead of into joints or out the skin which would cause breakouts. I assume you are drinking plenty of water to flush toxins? An Epsom salt bath before bed may help with detox and improve sleep.

From another post I am reminded of castor oil packs over the liver for detox. Use of such castor oil packs also can promote sleep when used overnight.

I hope you feel much better soon!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Art
2155 posts

In reply to Brad (Providence Ri),

I don't know if it will work for others, but Ted's borax regimen put my PSA into remission for years now. I did not have detox problems at anytime after starting borax. Ask your doctor if this is something you can try. Good luck getting well again!
