Natural Remedies

Dog Constantly Scratching Day And Night

Posted by Amanda (Alabama, US) on 11/14/2014

My dog scratches constantly day, night, hot or cold!! I've done everything thing I can think of. Ex. Oatmeal bath hot oil treatments dips shampoos sprays and everything in between!! Please I can use all the advice u can give!! Thank you

Replied by Nickie
London, Uk


Just gave this same link to the guy with the cough. Read this site for diatomaceous earth.

You can put this stuff in with his food and rub into the fur but take great care no to get it near eyes, either his or yours as it will dry them out and cause probs. It's dreadful when a pet is tormented and you can't help so I hope this works quickly.


Replied by Robert
Reading Pa

Hi! Amanda , Hi! Nickey, Diatomaceous earth can be sprinkled thoroughly around the edges of your rooms for flea control. It kills them because it has very sharp edges and penetrates the fleas exoskeleton when they move. Takes a while though. Use pharmaceutical grade rather than swimming pool grade. Good luck, Robert Lovemyamber