Natural Remedies

Need Help For Dog With Cyst on Eyelid

Posted by Treestan (Shelby township mi) on 06/10/2024

Our 11 year old dog has a cyst on his eye lid. It is hard and when he rubs against something it sometimes bleed. We can have it removed for 1200.00 but no guaranty it will not come back. Any recommendations?

Replied by Wendy

Start mixing a 1/2 teaspoon of organic powdered turmeric and a 1/2 teaspoon of organic UNrefined virgin coconut oil into his food every time you feed him. Depending on your dog's size & weight, you might use slightly less or more of each of these. I did this with my Golden Retriever when a cyst on her hip developed from being pea-sized to the size of a 50-cent piece & was getting red and weepy due to a compromised immune system. Within TWO weeks the cyst was completely gone.

Replied by Katzie
Cancun, Mexico

I would recommend Castor Oil on it. C.O. penetrates deep and is anti-fungal, anti-viral, etc. I would put it on 3x/day and see if you see improvement in a day or two. It's what I would try first.

And if that didn't work I would use Colloidal Silver on it. It's expensive but has never let me down. My old cat would have eye problems once in awhile and I would use C.S. on them, via spray bottle. Now no one, including cats & dogs, enjoys being sprayed in the face, but the C.S. spray made him feel so much better that he would always let me spray his eyes, and then he'd run away; he never flinched when I came at him with the spray bottle either. He just 'knew' it would help him.

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