Natural Remedies

My Dog Has Blood in Her Urine and Blood Clot

Posted by Reni S. (Us) on 02/07/2017 3 posts

I have been an fan for years. In fact many home remedies and suggestions by its community has been extremely helpful. Yesterday I noticed that my 40 lb. 7 year old dog had a dark colored urine. The next time she urinated I stuck a paper towel beneath her and it was definitely blood. I started ACV (with yogurt and a little tuna juice) last night at 5pm, and again at 11pm and this morning with her food at 7am. Her first urine of the morning was better in color...but there was a blood clot. Her only visible symptoms of a bladder/UTI and or bladder stones are blood in the urine, and licking of the genitals. (she's not in pain, not straining to pee, no accidents, etc. in fact she's being her normal sweet self). So here are my questions:

1) Is it possible that a UTI is too far along to see the benefits of ACV?

2) How long should I keep up the ACV and wait...before I take her to the vet?

Thank you for your help and thoughts! - Reni

Replied by Theresa
Mpls., Mn

Hello Reni,

My advise is to take her to the vet right now/ASAP. Get her checked out and rule in/out bladder stones. You can keep up the ACV up to and after the appointment, but you are always ahead of the healing game if you can get a proper diagnosis so you can begin the best treatment as soon as possible. What I would advise against: vaccinations of any kind at your visit.

Replied by Debbie Van Beek
Wash, Mi

It just might be a Urinary Tract Infection. If your dog needs to keep going outside, then that is probably what it is. If it is just buy some D-Mannose from a vitamin shop. My dog weighs 14 pounds, so I take a small amount of water, no more than an 1/8 of a cup and add 1/4 tsp. You will have to adjust for your dog. It is excreted out of the body, so no worries about them getting too much. I give mine another dose after they go out to pee. After the 4th dose the urine was already clearing up. My dog loves the taste, so I have no problem with him drinking it. The second day I did 3 or 4 doses. Then the third day about 3 doses. The 4th -5th day I did a dose morning and evening. Now this works for an e-coli infection. If you are not getting rather quick results, then it still could be a UTI, but not one that responds to D-mannose. You can also google D-Mannose and UTI