Natural Remedies

Dog Squamous Cell Carcinoma on Nose

Posted by Kimberly (Eden Valley, CA) on 07/14/2024

Dog Squamous Cell Carcinoma on nose…

What can I purchase from you addressing the above subject. TR🐶🐶PER a nine yr Golden Retriever was diagnosed with this serious skin cancer… I feel surgery, Chemo, Radiation is not an option for his case. ASAP I need to start him on something that may benefit him and extend his life. Kimberly

Replied by Bex7

I don't know, but for me when I get a skin cancer, melanoma, I catch it right away and kill it with chaparral from Herb Pharm. It works every time. It takes about a week and longer if it is in my scalp. A dog may just lick it off his nose. I have been treating a spot on the back of my dog with great success. The spot is almost gone. I just put some on a piece of cotton, take paper tape and tape it over the spot. I add to it underneath the tape a few times a day until gone. When it scabs over, don't touch it. Just wait until the scab falls off. Good luck with your dog.

Replied by Ruralady
44 posts

When I came back from the FL Keys I had what looked like SCC on my bottom lip. My lip was swollen on the left side and I had no pain....not good. I also developed a white plaque, not good either. What I did was put Hydrogen Peroxide on it with a qtip, let it dry, then apply EVCO [Extra Virgin Coconut Oil] and I did this every two hours. I didn't want to go to a Dermatologist b/c I knew what the treatment would be so I figured I would try this first. Within six weeks it disappeared and hasn't returned, whew! Good luck with your furry family member, they are much loved.