Natural Remedies

Eye Drops for Dry Eyes - Recipe Needed

Posted by Stephanie (Long Valley, Nj) on 05/08/2024

I have severely dry eyes, and nose, and mouth, and entire body internally. It is effecting all of my organs, and causing low blood pressure, liver/kidney problems, and losing my eyesight. Is there a recipe for eye drops for dry eyes, that I can make? They took most natural eyedrops off the market over the past year. Castor oil feels really good, and then by morning, my eyes are even more dehydrated, so I need a recipe without castor oil. And an easy recipe because I am very weak, and exhausted.

Replied by Larry

Hi Stephanie. I use coconut oil in my eyes, just a dab, then I put on an eye mask for sleeping. I also take a fish oil supplement and beta carotene. I hope that helps.


Long Valley, Nj

Hi Larry,

Thank you, is there a form of beta carotene that works best for you?

I have absolutely ZERO eye fluid.

I will try the coconut oil also.

Thank you!


I used Solaray food carotene 10000 once a day. At one time l also used similsan dry eye relief. Both are available via Amazon. Probably at health food store also

Replied by Stephanie
Long Valley, Nj

Dear Mama To Many,

Do you know of anything that I can use for dry eyes? Moisturizing eye drops? Or homemade? Anything to get my body to produce eye fluid? Externally or internally?

I am trying maqui berry extract capsules, that Art researched.

Castor oil dries my eyes immensely.

I have not had 1 drop of eye fluid for a few weeks now. It is scary, I will lose my eyesight. I have had severe sjogrens for many years. And was slowly losing my eyesight, but a few weeks ago, I stopped producing eye fluid completely. It can be from peri or menopause, or cancer, or because my liver and other organs are failing, so many things can contribute. I would try any ideas that you can think of, to get eye, nose, mouth fluid again. It's unbearable without fluid. Thank you!

Mama to Many

Dear Stephanie,

I imagine you have done a lot of research and tried many things...but I will give a few ideas.

Stay very well hydrated. Avoid coffee, sadly.

Use a humidifier, especially at night.

Use over the counter eye drops for moisture, like Refresh.

Herbalist Susun Weed suggests oat straw infusion to improve moisture. She also suggests steeped chamomile tea bags over closed eyes to improve moisture. If chamomile tea gets in the eye it is very safe.

Nutribiotic sells a throat spray that I used to use for dry mouth in the middle of the night. Obviously not for the eyes, but you mention a dry mouth, too.

Anti-inflammatory diet

Vitamins D and C

If perimenopause is an issue, you could try natural progesterone. Source Naturals or Now brands are ones I have used with good results.

Turmeric internally for inflammation.

If I think of anything else I will write again.

I hope you find something on this list or elsewhere that gives you some relief!

~Mama to Many~


Hi Stephanie, my heart goes out to you. I read an article on another favorite website of mine about treatments for sjogrens. It spoke about using mesenchymal stem cells to increase moisture levels in the body. (Article found at Life Extension website). I am connecting the dots here… I've recently been using a dermal patch called X39 that increases the body's own stem cells. Studies have shown it activates dormant stem cells. Normally you'd have to pay several thousand dollars for stem cell injections. So this patch is pretty amazing. Perhaps you could give it a try and see if it helps with your lack of eye lubrication.

Long Valley, Nj

Dear Mama to Many,

My body suddenly completely stopped producing eye, nose and even vaginal fluid. Like it just turned off. Like turning off a faucet. I cant even get crying tears. So if it is menopause, or because my lymphatic system and thyroid, and liver, etc are not working properly, is there something that I could try to start fluid again? I am taking Vit D, Vit C sodium ascorbate, turmeric. I just started Maqui berry.

I did use chamomile tea bags over closed eyes the past 2 nights,

I will look into progesterone. Do I just order it and swallow a pill, or do I need to open it and rub onto my gums?

Any ideas you have I would like to try. It is like a switch turned off. Or something is blocked. My eyesight has deteriorated tremendously even since yesterday. This week I had to start wearing glasses, and each day, the glasses are working less and less, and last night the pain from light was extreme. Its like my eyes are dying from no fluid and its scary. I am scared of going blind.

Long Valley, Nj

Hi Larry, I can't find the similasan dry eye relief eye drops, or any natural or homeopathic eyedrops with safe ingredients. It seems like they are no longer in the U.S, except the chemical eye drops I can still find, and they hurt my eyes. And I dont know how to make my own eye drops for dry eye. It does make sense that Beta Carotene helps your eyes, thank you.

Louisville, KY

I use colloidal silver as eye drops. They are refreshing and help keep out any virus or bacteria. I now make my own, but you can buy CS at a health food store or online. Best wishes for you!


Hi Stephanie,

I also wanted to share that Lactoferrin has been shown in studies to help with dry eye, including those with sojogrens. Lactoferrin is an amazing molecule that I've been looking into quite a bit since I needed something to help my son who had intestinal surgery as an infant after being born with an anomaly. Here's the quote from the article which I will also link below since it contains many other nutrients you may find helpful! “In a controlled trial in Sjögren syndrome patients, treatment with oral lactoferrin resulted in significant improvement in tear film stability, eye surface lesions, and dry eye symptoms. These improvements diminished when treatment was discontinued (Dogru 2007). In another controlled trial, lactoferrin was shown to alleviate dry eye symptoms postoperatively in cataract surgery patients (Devendra 2015).”

Long Valley, Nj

What kind of colloidal silver eye drops? What strength? And just put 1 drop in each eye or dilute it?


Stephanie, I looked into Similasan and it looks like they have run into some trouble with the FDA. They have with drawn the eyedrops for the time being. I will continue to use them as I have very little faith in the FDA.


1) Life Extension has a basic female or male hormone panel that is not too expensive. Check what this entails and ask your doctor to check hormone out or go the Life Extension way.

Some prescription or over the counter meds can cause dry mucus membranes, especially if it is more than the body can tolerate.

Have your doctor check for hypo/hyper thyroid antibodies. Also ask check for Sjogrins (sorry for bad spelling)


Long Valley, Nj

Where do you get Lactoferrin? I would like to try that to see if it will make me have eye fluid and nose fluid again.

Mama to Many

Dear Stephanie,

The progesterone is a cream. You apply 1/4 teaspoon to thin skinned areas at night. Inner arms, abdomen, inner thighs. It's best to rotate around where you put it from night to night.

Estrogen cream, applied vaginally may be helpful for that dryness. Or simply coconut oil.

Do you have a functional doctor you could see? You are dealing with a complex problem and if you could find someone who could help you with these chronic and acute problems it would probably be better than trying different things until you find a solution. Some blood panels would probably be helpful.

~Mama to Many~


I ordered the Jarrow Formulas Lactoferrin sold online at