Fever, Passing Out and Muscle Soreness Be From Spider Bite?
Hey guys, used many remedies here with miraculous results...
So recently I had the following experience:
A few weeks ago I passed out. It was initially thought that the reason for this was that I hadn't eaten much recently and especially that day. However, because when I passed out my nostril was apparently ripped open on the way out of my chair, my attention was drawn away from an odd sore on the edge of my left hand. After my nose had healed back into shape, however, I noticed that this odd sore did not appear to be improving.
Perhaps I'll take a moment to give a brief and oversimplified medical history, skip if you like: Born in 83 and fed a terrible american diet through the first two thirds of my life. After learning about the ocean of environmental toxins we are all swimming in began dramatically cutting them out starting with fluoride, BPA, Aspartame. Flash forward a few years, I now not only eat almost entirely organic but also have done a liver cleanse (first typoed that as lover cleanse, did those too : p), and take things like Iodine and top quality vitamin supplements etc to try to cover from what I don't get despite keeping loose track of what foods I haven't been eating and should and vice versa.
Suffice it to say, I had never passed out before from anything ever, so that was surprising to say the least but in any case I'm in pretty good shape inside and out.
So back to the present. In the last week I have experienced feverishness and extreme headaches for a couple of days, and soreness in my muscles or joints (hard to pinpoint, it's not severe)and waking up in hot sweats, both of those two symptoms lasting for those couple of days and through today.
Basically, I figured out that it's probably a spider bite and started treating it accordingly, and the wound site appears to be reacting and healing as if it was a serious bite, with a the tiny blackness in the center etc, however, I'm not sure about the rest of my symptoms, so here are my theories and if anyone has any ideas i'd love to hear them:
First theory: Sugar withdrawals. I had previous had an insatiable sweet tooth and had to quit almost entirely to heal a monstrous boil. This could be responsible for all of these symptoms including even passing out, and it did seem like having sugar helped with the headaches, although it's also possible that only the headaches were related to this.
Second theory: Terrible spider bite. All of these symptoms are consistent with spider bites even especially a brown recluse, which everyone automatically dismisses as a possibility because of the oversimplified logic that it's often misdiagnosed and that actual brown recluse bites are so rare. They do bite people, right? I'm not assuming that's the case but it does seem to fit the situation well enough to at least consider it as a possibility.
Any information would be appreciated, ESPECIALLY information about how one might treat long term internal after effects of a bad spider bite, in case that is what's responsible.
In the mean time, as a doctor would probably give me antibiotics, I'm going to take sliver.
New York
Doesn't sound like a spider bite to me but a MRSA infection. If symptoms continue, I would seek medical attention sooner rather than later.
Signs of an invasive infection include:
- a high temperature of 38C (100.4F) or above.
- chills.
- generally feeling unwell.
- dizziness.
- confusion.
- muscle aches and pains.
- pain, swelling and tenderness in the affected body part.
Source: http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/MRSA/Pages/Symptoms.aspx
Colloidal silver is not likely to be of benefit against poison if it is a spider bite.
Drawing clays can be helpful, but are best immediately after being bitten before the poison gets a chance to go systemic. It has now been weeks and the poison is no longer localized. Perhaps a trip back to your doctor is in order.
Fountain Inn, Sc
Hello Isaac,
Re possible spider bite....
You are correct in that spider bites can manifest in many ways and with all the issues you have going might be interacting with them. If me, I'd take oral colloidal silver because spider bites can be devastating and carry a lot of pathogens as well as poison. I'd take morning and night on empty stomach for a few days and if improved take for a week etc...maybe taking for months to make sure the infection is gone.