Natural Remedies

Fluid-Filled Cyst on Elbow - Seeking Natural Remedies to Drain It

Posted by Kathy (St. Paul) on 04/25/2024

Hi. My husband has a golf ball sized lump on his elbow and it appears to be filled with fluid. No pain. What would you recommend to get the fluid to drain or be reabsorbed into his body?

Replied by Katherine

All cysts are caused by low iodine, says Dr David Brownstein. Get a drug store bottle of iodine with the glass applicator and topically cover the cyst with iodine. I had one on my finger and it took several days of one application each day and it was gone. If I get low on iodine it comes back. Start taking Lugol's 5% iodine…a couple drops a day in water. If cyst comes back you need more iodine.

Madison, AL

Iodine for cysts? I have a cyst on my urethra - I should apply iodine to that and it will go away? Or is this only for certain cysts? I've had it for years, apply estrogen cream to keep it small. If I miss a few days, it enlarges and I struggle to pee. I'd be afraid iodine would burn in that sensitive spot, being female.

Mama to Many


I wonder if castor oil and frankincense would work for your cyst? I have used them for different cysts with good success.
1 drop of frankincense essential oil to 1 teaspoon castor oil.
~Mama to Many~