Natural Remedies

Have Itchy Bumps On Chest

Posted by Jordan (Lansing, MI) on 11/30/2007 5 posts

Hi I have a question. For about 3 years now I have experienced itchy bumps that look similar to acne but are not, on my chest before my menstrual cycle. I had dealt with it and just decided it would be yet another thing to deal with during PMS. But now I am having the same problem all the time and it is on my back now as well. They are incredibly itchy and swell when touched and show up only on my chest and back. HELP!

Replied by Jake
Chicago, Il

For Jordan from Lansing: Your description sounds like it could be Grover's disease - something I have been fighting several years. I did a biopsy a long time ago and it came back -Grover's, and the doctor said it was just something that comes and goes, but that nothing could be done about it. In other words they don't have a clue as to what it is. The last couple of years of my searching, I discovered that some enterprising doctor in N.Y linked it to Mercury and has had some success chelating with Chemet. I have found other ways to deal with it, but first you need to see if it makes sense that that is what you have. Do you have amalgam fillings. If so that's a good clue. Or have you have a lot of injections or innoculations or do you eat a lot of fish. Those are generally the three sources in decending order of mercury toxicity - amalgam generally being the major problem. Mine was related to cracked mercury fillings and I had the last of them out with a carefully identified holistic dentist. Now I'm finding ways to detoxify from 50 years of amalgam in my mouth and my system. The removal along with the pulling of my root canal and the decay sitting beneath each silver (amalgam) filling and in the root canal - which is unavoidable in any root canal as I understand, has made a huge difference in my health over the last 11 months. I had 4 major symptoms that have mostly resolved.

Also were you for any reason suddenly inactive whereas before you regularly exercised? This would be another clue. Mine first showed up after a 10 day hospital stay.

Replied by Jake
Chicago, IL

Iodine for Grover's Disease

I believe I have cured my Grover's Disease with iodine, mostly iodoral which is the pill equivalent of Ludol's iodine - generally 2 to 3 pills providing 25 to 37.5 mgs., but with some kelp too that contains a lot of iodine, as well. It took 2 to 3 weeks but then I realized the red pimples were not coming back. It is now 3 months and there are no signs of the red bumps that covered my back and both sides of my chest for several months - or on my chest less profuse with them than the other areas mentioned, as well.

Replied by Ann
San Francisco, Ca, Usa

Jake, I am curious. Why do you think that the iodine cured your disease? Were you experimenting to cure the Grover's, or were you addressing a different health issue?

I had Grover's forever and had success with Chemet. I am curious about your experience.

Replied by Jake
Chicago, Il


I was experimenting with a lot of stuff. The red pimples would not go away. This was my longest bout with Grover's which had come and gone - mostly gone for most of the 18 plus years since it showed up after my cancer operation in 1991. Presumably it now related to my latest bout with mercury from a filling that broke down and was removed by a dentist who was not willing to accept mercury's toxicity (at least to some of us.) My current thinking is that the 1991 cancer and many of my health issues over the years all related to the many amalgams in my mouth as well as two root canals, one of which was removed after it failed.

At any rate, I found some success. The red pimples receded. But then they came back, a couple of times I think. The problem was I experimented with so many things that it was hard to pin down what was producing the results. I surmised wrongly - and it was frustrating. Each time I thought I had it isolated as to the supplement finally giving me relief, I did not in fact have it. I realized eventually however that when I started taking Iodoral - that in fact was the factor. Cold hands and feet and other hypothyroid symptoms had improved, and perhaps that is why I didn't make the immediate connection to the Grover's, as the hypothyroid issue had been my focus. Now I see both issues were probably connected. The thyroid issue too I see related to the mercury toxicity.

The Grover's has still not returned now even though I have at times gone stretches without the Iodoral. I have used other iodine supplements like kelp, and that may be part of the reason. But also, I believe I've continued to detox mercury over these latest months, and that's probably part of it too. I for instance can take cilantro now without the headaches I got before. I believe a lot of mercury is now out of my system - although I also believe I'll probably be detoxing the rest of my life.

Replied by Ann
San Francisco, Ca, Usa

Thanks for the quick response. I also believe that mercury toxicity contributes to many diseases. I am very slightly hypothyroid and I am trying to figure out what is going on before the doc tells me that I have to take T3. Hands and feet are always cold. What I believe - after seeing so clearly that the Grover's was directly related to mercury - is that disease is the result of some imbalance, and I would rather figure out the imbalance than take the prescription pill.

I sauna a lot and thought that maybe I lose iodine when I sweat, so I have been taking some kelp supplements and will retest thyroid in a few months. What I don't know is how much iodine to take. I know the RDA, which I believe is a minimum, but I don't know how much is safe. In other words, I'm sure that there is a maximum, and I don't know what that number is. There is so much info on the web, and much of it is conflicting.

My Grover's is clear enough, and has been for a long time, so the residual rarely flares enough to bother me. Let's say I'm 95% clear. I haven't seen a change in my skin since I started taking the kelp, but then, I'm only taking 2 - 3 times the RDA. What's interesting to me is the potential connection between iodine, thyroid, and Grover' you have an idea of the reason that the iodine might have had an impact on your skin?

I also think that I will be detoxing in some form or another for life. I took the Chemet initially because I wanted to use the strongest medicine to get the mercury out as efficiently as possible. Now I take chlorella, eat cilantro, and sauna regularly.

Replied by Louis
Narara, Australia

The itching started about 18 months ago, then came the red pimples all over. Front and back, then the top of the legs and arms. the itching was so bad, at times it feels as if someone was stabbing me wit a needle.In this time I saw 4 doctors,who gave me different ointments to no avail.

Eventually after 6 months I was sent to a specialist who recognised it immediately as Grover's Disease. He put me on steroids 4mg. After 3 days my itching was completely gone I was advised to bring the amount slowly down.

After one year on the steroids I am now only taking 0.5mg every second day. I still get itchy pimples but only by ones, but a mosquito bite is worse

Replied by Jc
Mv, Ca, Usa

I was diagnosed with Grover's Disease3 yrs ago after symptoms got progressively worse over the previous 2.5 -3 yrs. My Derm subscribed a steroid and said if that didn't help we could try Accutane. The steroid did little to nothing. I wasn't interested in using either of these drugs so I started taking 400 mg garlic capsule supplement, 2@ morning, 2 @ evening. Within a week I was noticing improvement. Within 3 wks I notice a huge improvement. The itching was almost gone and the breakouts were clearing without new breakouts forming. I continued taking that dosage until all was clear. Once it was completely cleared, I reduced the dosage to 2 in the AM.

I continue to take this dosage daily to keep the disease at bay. Now and then I do get a few breakouts due to forgetting to take them or possibly fatigue related. When that happens, I increase the dosage for a day or so and then return to 2 in the AM. Garlic is very good for the entire body, it is naturally anti-fungus, anti-bacterial and anti-viral. I hope you find success with this wonderful alternative to treating groves disease. It has been a true God send for me.

Replied by Diamond
Salisbury, Ma.usa

Thank you on the garlic, I use garlic liquid caps. 1000 mg; I also itch alot, most times I forget to take the garlic caps. And itch again. Some one else mentioned on this site to use fresh garlic and fresh lemon so I use both in apple cider accept I buy real lemon in a bottle and what a great juice drink, I grind up my fresh garlic in a blender then push it through a strainer not a colender, it used to be a coffee or tea strainer they are still sold in stores. All three are a great combo.

Replied by Buddy
Kingman, Az

Hi Guys, I also had Grover's disease (have) I had all the metal fillings taken from my teeth. (Contain mercury) Been over a month, seems to be cleared-up, almost all gone, try it good luck God Bless.

You'll be glad you did.. Buddy

Replied by Lisa
Boston, Ma

I have been recently diagnosed with grover's but have had a few red bumps for many many years but it was so slight that I just thought it was from working out. However in February and early March I developed a pretty big rash and went to have a biopsy and - my dermatologist said it was definitely Grover's. So I have been on two topical creams and they don't seem to be doing anything except drying out my clear skin. I am so stressed over these bumps. I was so itchy that the Dr.gave me a cortizone shot yesterday - which has already helped. But, I really am interested in trying some natural cures. I already eat raw garlic twice a day and I started to take kelp after reading this blog - But maybe I need more? What exactly is Iodoral? A brand of iodine? Is it safe to take and how much is the right amount. I really need some advice - I am detoxing eating only raw foods - totally clean. I am also drinking an indian tea that is meant to detox metals from your body. I beleive I can trace my mercury expose to when I replaced all my old fillings.

At any rate... I am really intersted to know more about the Iodoral and how it is safely used. Any thoughts?

Replied by Daniel
Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico

If you are reading this then you were probably like me and in need of something that works. I came to this site because I have never experienced anything like this before in my life and really needed something that worked. Because I live in Mexico I went to the pharmacy here and they did not have a clue on what it was but said try some hydrocortisone which did not work. It got worse. I then went to a dermo doctor in San Diego and he immediately knew it was Grovers and prescribed Olux-E which is a foam topical which cost $104. 00 and that was my co-pay! I used it for three weeks with no results in fact it got worse. The Grovers was now on my right forearm, right upper arm. Right calf, left calf, left calf and left upper arm. I did some research of my own and found Terrasil cream and bought it on-line for about $24.00.

I then bought B-Complex and Garlic pills and started with this all at once. The first use was at night and when I woke in the morning I could see improvement. It has been three days now using the Terrasil, B Complez and garlic pills and the Grovers is almost gone! I still itch a little but it won't be long before it's all gone. I don't know what actually helped the most but I am satisfied so I will continue with all three. I grew up in So, California and went to the beach almost every day in the summer so I may have damaged my skin which caused this problem and now I'm 58 and paying for it. I suggest you try this little concoction that I did and I think you'll be relieved from all of this itching and actually see results. GOOD LUCK!