Natural Remedies

Help Needed for Dog in Pain from Ulcers

Posted by Sanc (Charlotte ) on 05/05/2016

Please help I'm trying to give my baby(dog) something for his ulcers. He is in pain and with no appetite. I've spend so much money at the vet and they still have not calmed his pain. Please help I'm so devastated in seeing him like this. I tried the cat claw and bilberry extract and the slippery elm pill but need to know how often I should give him this. Please let me know.

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Sanc,

I am sorry your dog is suffering this way!

I would give the slippery elm with every meal. It is a food and I don't think you could give too much. I would give 1/4 teaspoon (1 capsule worth) to a small dog with each meal.

You might try aloe juice added to water or mixed in food. People use it for ulcers with good success.

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Ben
Bremerton, Wa

In humans ulcers are caused by helicobacter pylori . The thing that controls this type of bacteria and speeds healing is turmeric.

Now colostrum is very healing for intestinal troubles too. You might consider giving him some.

It might be a good idea to give him lots of probiotics and yogurt. Could it be his troubles are from intestinal dysbiosis rather than an ulcer? The pain from the intestines breeding harmful bacteria can be immense as great or greater than pain from a bleeding ulcer. This type of pain can come on very quickly too causing an intestinal blockage .

Some dogs have a digestive trouble where the intestines flip over and get obstructed. Has this been ruled out?