Natural Remedies

Help Needed On My Chronic Bladder Infections

Posted by Kimberley (Uk, London) on 11/24/2011

Wondering if anyone can help me! As no doctors can!

It dates back to when I was little, I began having discomforts with certain citrus fruits and anything too processed. I would get a bit of discomfort down below. Then I started getting my period 2x a month, my mother took me to a doctor and they put me on a birth controll pill that evened this out for me. By this age I was slightly anemic so I was taking iron supplements as well as eating all the right things. I soon came off the pill as I was a conscious teenager and I felt I was putting on weight. Stuff seemed to settle down but I still had to stay away from the certain fruits and foods.

Now I am going on to be 20 in a few days and about 10 months a go a lot of things started flaring up. It started with lower abdominal pain and bloating. I started going out with my partner 10 months ago, he is completly STi free and has had no problems down in his department.

Anyway as I go on...

Then I got a series of what the doctors called 'urine infections' although I always new this was not the case. The anti-biotics would seem to help me for 2-3 days and then the pain would come back. My urine had no 'fishy odour' it didn't sting and the only pain I could describe it as was a 'contraction'.

I was now getting these 'infections' every 2 weeks. It was now starting to affect my studies, I was lying down on the floor gulping down 1 litre bottles of water trying to flush everything out my system. the only thing that would relieve me would be squatting or very hot water baths. I was also feeling feverish and extreme tiredness as well as back pain.

The pain went on and on for months until one day I woke up at 5 am and I had to make myself go to A n E. They did a urine test detected a very week UTI and gave me MORE antibiotics. I saw a doctor and he was concerned which triggered me into thinking something else could be the matter here.

I have been on every anti-biotic known to man literally. The doctor then said I needed to be STI tested-which I knew was again not the case as I have always been cautious with this area. I got tested for the last time and everything was NEGATIVE, no STI's no YEAST infections, NOTHING. and as I said my partner is clean and been tested recently again too.

The thing is.. Before I have sex I am okay although bloating is an everyday thing for me, but after sex I get a 'uti'. example: I went to the doctor and 3 days after having sex once in between I end up in AGONY and had to go to A n E coming back with antibiotics and a UTI.

I have been recently having my period 2x a month again and I am on the cerazette pill, which I am now coming off as I am getting rashes, breast pain and sickness. I have seen 3 gyne's and nothing is abnormal. Saw a urineologist a week ago did a scan over organs etc, nothing abnormal.

I have doing everything, from holistic things to diet to pills. I have tried a wheat free and gluten diet which didn't make too much of a difference. I have like I said been on so many antibiotics it's a joke. I got told that my mother's spiritual friend picked up on a fault in my back as well as my knee.

I just need some help ANYTHING! From foods to help soothe or something I can go buy until someone will take me seriously and stop pumping pills into my body.... I can't cope with my uni work load I can't work, I can barely go a week without being in agony. I drink camomile tea, I stay away from junk and my diet is pretty good for a 19 year old student.

thank you, kimberleydavies1(at)

Replied by Tina
Houston, Usa

Hi, Please look at renewlife probiotics. Absolutely the best for this type of symptoms. Call them and they will walk you through diff suggestions.

Please google lacto-fermented foods, and start incorporating these at all meals. Very easy to make and store, and very essential to good UTI health.

Include raw milk, raw yoghurt and raw cheeses into your diet if you are ok with dairy. Include kombucha and kefir (water, milk or coconut) into your diet daily. Include Apple Cider Vinegar 2-3 daily. Spirulina and Chorella are essential to good gut balance and use these daily too.

Within 2-3 months you should see relief, but do continue the lacto-fermented foods ongoing.

Also consider going to a chiropracter for a reset, and acupuncture in addition to consuming the above.

I hope this helps, T

Replied by D
Oz, Ks

Have you read about coconut oil being helpful as it's antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral? Or have you read that magnesium may help with bladder infections according to Adele Davis?

Replied by Craig
Lubbock, Texas

D-Mannose is a sugar that is missing one carbon molecule. It entraps the bad bacteria that is causing the UTI (urinary tract infection), preventing the bacteria from attaching to the urinary tract wall & you expell the bacteria out in your urine. My opinion it is best to use the powder form of D-Mannose instead of capsules. To treat UTI, take one teaspoon three times a day. For prevention, one teaspoon per day. Based on my personal experiences with friends & family it has been 100% effective... based on my web research around 90% effective.

Replied by Stella
Havelock, Ontario, Canada
4 posts

The best thing I have found for bladder infections is, daily Liquid Lugol's Iodine (5%) I took one drop daily for a week, then kept adding another drop each week, until I was up to 8 drops daily. Since then, (June 2011) I have not had another infection and in 2010 I had several about one each month.

Bonnie in Canada

Replied by Erin H.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

I have had this very same issue with getting a UTI after sex. It could be the next day or a few days later and it comes on very fast. I have used D-Mannose, antibiotics, etc, but nothing seems to help other than a diflucan. Do that tells me that it has to be yeast related. My husband and I read the other day that even sex changes the ph balance of the vaginal area. So, I have been on a candida killing mission for the last couple of weeks and I think I am starting to get a handle on it. I am eating raw garlic, smashing it and cutting it into pieces that I can swallow with water. I am taking candida remedy and also the probiotic too. I am taking 6 mg of Boron a day. I think one pill is 3 mg. I drink tons of water. I have Iordoral ordered and on its way. I am doing no sugar and no bread. So far, my white coating on my tongue seems to be clearing up, but not completely gone yet. My itchiness is going away. I know I have a long way to go, but at least I seem to be making progress. We have not had sex yet to see what will happen. We were wanting to get a handle on the immediate yeast problem before we tried again. I am thinking about adding Grapefruit seed extract, as what I have read, seems to be pretty potent too. But I have done tons of research and the two things that keep coming up are the raw garlic and the Iodoral. Oh, and I also take several tablespoons of coconut oil a day, too.