Natural Remedies

Hemifacial Spasm - Urgently Need Natural Remedy Suggestions

Posted by Punam (Toronto) on 07/26/2024

I have had eye twitch since 3 months which extended to lip twitch and left side face, have been to doctor, chiro, physio, acupuncture, taken medication for muscle relaxation, my spine and neck X-rays are all okay but the twitch persist. I desperately need help.

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Punam,

Some things to try if you haven't yet...

  • Avoid sugar and caffeine,
  • Take a magnesium supplement
  • Make sure you are getting enough sleep
  • Reduce screen time
  • Take a daily walk
  • Use an indoor mini trampoline/rebounder for 5 minutes a couple of times a day

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Ana

Try homoeopathy remedies, they are very effective.

Replied by Ana

Can try belladonna 200 homoeopathy medicine

Replied by Art
2264 posts

Hi Punam,

Muscle spasms in various areas of the body can be caused by low magnesium and potassium levels. You can try the more bioavailable forms of magnesium such as magnesium glycinate, magnesium citrate or magnesium chloride.

Add too that foods rich in potassium such as these :

Try those for a week and if that resolves the issue, then you now know what is causing the muscle spasms and how to keep them away.

One other consideration is low calcium level, but you would be the best judge of whether you are getting plenty of calcium or not.

Lastly, if you are working or exercising in a hot climate and sweating significantly, that can help deplete the three items above.


Replied by ABC

I personally take Zincum Met 30c when my lip or eye starts twitching and it works like magic after taking it 1-2 times. Thing to remember: One dose is ONE pellet, not 5 as is says on the tube. But you can take 5 if you wish, no harm.

In very rare cases, it may be an initial symptom of multiple sclerosis (An autoimmune system in which the immune cells attack and damage the myelin sheath that covers nerve fibers).


These spasms are characterised under two forms – typical and atypical form. These spasms are said to be typical when the spasm starts in the eyelid and afterwards spreads to the lower part of the face.

In the case of atypical form the spasm begins in the cheek bone area and then spreads to the eyelids:

  1. Zincum Met – Top Grade Medicine. It is beneficial when there is twitching of the lower lid of the left side. It is also helpful for managing jerking in the left eyebrow. Next it works well when there is spasms and twitching of muscles of the face. Twitching in the upper lip on the left side is another symptom calling for its use.

  2. Agaricus. Firstly it is indicated when there is twitching in the eyelids. Eyelids jerk and twitch. It is frequent. With spasm watering may occur from eyes. Secondly it is indicated for facial muscles twitching. Here twitching specifically of the right cheek is indicative for using it.

  3. Cuprum Met – For Spasm in Eyelids and Jaw. In cases needing it frequent twitching of eyelids specifically on the left side predominate. Next there may be spasm in jaw muscles where it is required.

  4. Causticum – For Eyelid and Facial Muscle Twitching. It offers help to manage twitching of eyelids. Other than this it proves effective in cases where twitching of muscles of the face especially on the left side is present.
  5. Opium – For Facial Twitching at Corners of Mouth. The mouth may appear distorted with this. Its use may also be done in twitching of other facial muscles. There occurs spasmodic motion of facial muscles with trembling in such cases.
  6. Mygale – For Constant Twitching of Face. Its use is considered when there is constant twitching of muscles of the face. As per homeopathic literature this medicine has proved effective in curing many cases of twitching and contractions of facial muscles.
  7. Magnesium Phos – For Twitching of Eyelid and Corner of Mouth.
  8. Physostigma – For Twitching Lids and Eyes. It also helps cases where spasms in the face are there that extends to the neck.
  9. Ignatia – For Twitching of Eyelids, Lips.
  10. Cubeba – For Twitching of One Side of Mouth when Speaking or Smiling. It is specifically indicated when there occur twitching on one side of mouth when speaking or smiling.