Natural Remedies

Hormones Ovarian Cysts And Polyp Growths

Posted by Sail06 (Katy, Tx) on 03/28/2010

Ted, could you please help me with the following problem?

One year ago I was diagnosed with an ovarian cysts, I was spotting after the normal 5 days of my period, and felt something was inflamed on the right side of my vagina. Went to the OBGYN and was diagnosed with a 4cm ovarian cyst. She prescribed hormone pills for 3 months, and said if in 3 months they are not gone, she would remove it surgically. I took the 3 month supply of hormones.

I went to a health food store and asked what I could do in conjunction with OBGYN's instructions. The health food store suggested: Extra Strength Zymactive Enzymes for inflammation & pain 5 tablets a day, Vitamin C 2000mg (1 per day) & Vitamin B-Complex 100mg (1 per day), Vitamin E 400IU (1 per day).

I also juiced every morning upon rising with the beet, molasses, aloe vera remedy (1 large beet, 2 Tbsp of molasses & 2 ounces of aloe vera. And was faithful in ridding my diet from white sugar, flours, and processed foods of any kind. I also added seaweed to my diet, dandelion (3 times a day), burdock tea and nettle tea (3 times a day), probiotics (1 per day), bee pollen (1-tsp), castor oil packs over lower abdomen (4 times a week), and juiced 9 vegetables/fruits per glass, (5 times a day-any kind or combination).

Within the 3-month period my cyst went away. It was not showing up on the ultrasoud. She asked me what I had done to get rid of the cyst. She was shocked and excused herself for not having the knowledge of nutrition to help her patients. She advised me to take "Wild Yam" for the next 6 months to avoid recurrences. Which I took for 6 months and then discontinued. My periods at this time were coming as usual, and I had no visible symptoms.

One year later, In February 2010, I had a 5-day period, that was very heavy, lots of red blood. Then the period ended, and 1 week later came back for 4 days. I felt inflammation on my right hand side again, thinking it was another cyst I went to the OBGYN, where she preformed a vaginal ultrasound. She diagnosed me with (1) uterine polyp near the cervix. She said that it was a blood clot that would probably unattach itself from the uterus during my next period. She prescribed Provera for 10 days. Which is a chemical peel, to chemically shed the lining of the uterus. At the pharmacy they gave me a generic version. The OBGYN assured me that after taking the Provera, I would have a period, and the polyp would shedd along with the lining. To expect lots of clotting material with the period. The Provera did not produce a period. I have not had a period since February. The OBGYN said if the polyp did not go away with the shedding of the lining, which would be caused by the period, then I would need a DNC.

Two weeks before I had my February period, I had come down with a cold, and was taking 2 tbsp of Apple Cider Vinegar. I had read on earth clinic, that sometimes this can causes excessive menstruation.

During the month of February I did extensive research trying to figure out what was a uterine polyp and why I had one.

Trying desperately not to need the DNC, I changed my eating pattern, radically, by eating a strictly raw vegetarian diet, and taking supplements. 2000-5000mg Vitamin C (1 a day), Extra Strength Zymactive Enzymes for inflammation & pain (5 tablets a day), Multi Vitamin, Royal Jelly (4 capsules of 1000mg), Spirulina (1 tbsp with water), seaweed (1/4 cup), omega 7 (1 day), 2 capsules of Estrosense with Indole-3-Carbinol ((ingred: D-Glucarate 150mg, Indole-3-Carbinol 150 mg, BroccoPhane 200mg((ingred: Brassica oleracea, broccoli sprout extract)) Sunphenon Green Tea 100mg ((ingred: Camellia sinensis, powdered extract, decaffeinated (leaf) Polyphenols 80mg (80%)), Tumeric 50mg((ingred: curcuma longa, powdered extract (seed) Curcumin 47.6mg (95%)), Milk Thistle ((Silybum marianum, powdered extract (seed) 50mg, Silymarin 40mg (80%)), Di-Indolymethan (DIM) 50mg, Rosemary (Rosarinus officinales) powdered extract leaf 25mg, Camosic acid 1.5mg (6%), LYC-O-MATO lycopene 5mg)) 2 capsules of 300mg of Milk Thistle (80%) Silymarin. The last 3 days prior to my doctor's appointment. I did the BMP (beet mini protocol), 3 times a day. I have continued to do the BMP since starting.

At my monthly checkup, another ultrasound was done. The doctor found no polyp, and said my uterine lining looked great. But, did determine that I had an ovarian cyst on my left ovary. I told her I did not have my period after taking the Provera, and have not had it since my last break through bleeding. Which she found unusual. Her diagnosis was to do nothing at this point. She said my body may be trying to readjust its self, and that I was probably in Menopause. If my body could not regulate itself she said I could take hormones on and off, 3 months at a time, helping my body regulated itself during the transition time period between perimenopause and menopause. Incidentally, I have no other peri or menopausal symptoms. I am 44 yrs, have had 2 children via C-Section. But, these issues have been the only problems I have experienced in my life. My mother did not go into menopause until she was 50 yrs.

My question is should I wait and see as the OBGYN suggests, or should I/could I be taking something that would normalize my ovaries/hormones, and put my body on the right path?

Any help would be gladly appreciated. Ted, as I trust your judgment more than I trust my own OBGYN. What should I do at this point?

Replied by Lisa
Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa

Hi Katy,

I read your post with great interest. Good for you for doing all you did for yourself and your extensive research in finding answers! Trust yourself- you knew what you were doing better than your OB. I would like to direct you to some powerful women who give very sound advice that could help lead you to answers. They are Susun Weed, a very wise sagewoman who speaks strongly against hormone treatment for women, Dr. Carolyn Dean who they refer to as "Dr. of the Future" and Donna Gates who works with her Body Ecology protocol. You can google all of them and find their very helpful sites. I have learned so much from them. There are truly so many answers available to us that blast so much of what mainstream medicine is proselytizing. I wish you the best. Lisa

Replied by Wafa
Livonia, Mi

Hi Sail06, I read your post and I too am very impressed with your determination to finding a natural solution. I'm not an expert but I do think that perhaps you taking too many things along with the provera could have offset the benefits of your regimen. Provera along with natural remedies, in my opinion will not give you the results your looking for. In my country we boil pure cinnamon sticks and drink the cinnamon water after giving birth to help cleans the body of any impurifications. Three to six cups a day is what I did after I delivered my children and it never failed, I would have heavy bleeding the first few days, you will be amazed of all the clots/gunk that come out. You'll feel ten pounds lighter.

Please Note: Anyone trying this should be extremely careful not to ever drink it during pregnancy (at any stage) because it could result in miscarriage. Keep in mind, this is normally used for a woman who has reached her FULL term and having contractions, after delivery of a baby or for someone on their menstrual that wants to have a good cleanse and fast. I'm not sure if this would help you achieve your objective but I thought I'd share it with you, if you would like to give it a try.

As for the directions, you need a handful of good quality cinnamon sticks, drop them in 6 1/2 cups of purified water let it reach boil for three min. On med/high, then take to low to simmer for another three min., turn off heat, let sit for five, use your preferred sweetener (only to the cup that you will drink NOT the pot, after 15 min. of sittng u should remove the stick, it shouldn't have to taste too too bitter), you can add a little sprinkle of shredded coconut and a little sprinkle of crushed walnut on top, pretty yummy. Like anything else, you want to drink it slowly so your body can absorb it well but not too slow because you want to make sure it's still hot. Three good sips at a time is a good rule of thumb. Good Luck!

Replied by Kendra
Hobbs, Nm
6 posts

@ Wafa-I have a uterine tumor- non-fibroid and non-cancerous- I'm trying to get rid of naturally. I've made an oil rub out of Frankincense, Tea Tree Oil, Vitamin E Oil and Extra Virgin Coconut oil. It's shrunk the tumor and now I'm hoping to try your cinnamon tea remedy to pass it. My monthly is really late though and I'm wondering if I can start the tea without having my monthly? What do you think? Kendra, Hobbs, NM, USA