How Best to Avoid Infection and Heal Quicker After Surgery?
Please can someone help me. I am feeling so low. I had my second child 7 months ago and suffered with awful prolapsed hemorrhoids. Despite numerous visits to the docs where they didn't examine me they kept fobbing me off with steroid creams which I refused to use as they didn't work. I used the remedies recommended here and didn't feel any of the usual symptoms associated with hemorrhoids. I began to suspect that it was possibly skin tags and went back to my GP who finally examined me and referred me on to the surgeons. I am so angry and upset that I have suffered for months and not had chance to bond properly with my child because of this problem. The surgeon who saw me after my child was born said I wouldn't need surgery and sent me on my way. Now because my initial hemorrhoids were so so bad cos of the birth I am left with awful skin tags which I am going to have to have removed via surgery.
I am very scared and terrified of infection. Is there anything I can take to prepare beforehand and to help me heal quicker afterwards. I have my children to look after and work and can't afford to be dealing with any infection issues so want to prepare beforehand as I have lost all faith in medics :-(
Please help me and thank you in advance
Atlanta, Usa
Hi, for both avoiding infection and accelerated healing you need an IV feeding you vitamin C from the moment you get there. If you go to the site and search Vitamin C. You will find the studies of the doctors who pioneered the phenomenal research on vitamin C - which has mostly been swept under the rug.
The problem is they won't give it to you unless you have a doctor who will prescribe it for you before you get there. You might try printing out the info explaining why everyone entering the hospital should be put on Vitamin C to take to your doctor. Maybe he will prescribe it for you. If not, the site I mentioned will explain that and will tell you how to find a doctor who will do that for you. It is a logical fear of infection - as so many get them while in the hospital - and C has remarkable properties of accelerating healing at high doses - which you can get by IV without the problems that occur when taking orally. Good Luck!