Natural Remedies

How To Deal With Dogs Collapsed Trachea

Posted by Om (Hope, Bc CA) on 02/10/2015

A colleague of mine, also doing rescue, is asking which is the best way to address the problem of collapsed trachea in dogs. She is leary of veterinarian meds side effects though. Anyone with useful info? Thanks

Namaste Om

Replied by Theresa
Mpls., Mn

Namaste, Om!

The western/allopathic approach for collapsed trachea is anti-inflamatories, ie prednisone. I found that this helped very little.

Your friend might consider products from The Natural Canine of Vermont, "Collapsed Trachea Support Kit".

Others have found homeopathic Drosera 30C potency to be helpful with this condition.

Neosho, Mo

I have been giving my 10 year old 5 pound chihuahua ground farm fresh eggshells for 2 months and she has had one episode since we started treatment. I use a Krups coffee grinder and get them down to almost powder fine. This is a huge improvement all with no chemical intervention! Yeah!! I would only use farm eggs that you can be sure momma chicks have been free of antibiotic treatment.


you can also use organic eggs.

I give my 3 pound Pom one 1/4 or

1cc syringe I'd Robitussin DM it dries the mucus trapped in her c trachea. Also I use a humidifier with 5-6 drops of eucalyptus in it.

Also to calm her down from the anxiety of not breathing. I crushed calm forte in water table spoon. I give it to her by syringe. It works so wonderfully altogether.

Replied by Dawn

How many eggshells?

Replied by Booj
Chattanooga Tennessee
1 posts

I have a 7lb chihuahua with tracheal collapse, not sure how this helps with that but I am willing to try anything. But knowing how much to administer would help too, if you would be so kind.

Replied by Christina

Collapsed Trachea... small dog breed . 14 years old.. How do ground up eggshells help this cough.. what is it in the shell that is helping and how? Poor little dog has been given up. How can I make him more comfortable? Thank you for any information on this, but please explain why it helps..❤️?


my Pom has a severe case of collapsed trachea. I took her to the vet. She is on theophylline a bronchial med. It does help her. The robitussin really helps her cough 1/4 teas. I also use 3 drops calendula non alcohol organic and 3 drops astragalus non alcohol organic extract. I am also trying the organic eggshells It is very important to not gain weight.


I spend 24/7 with my chihuahua and know instantly when something is up. I could tell after he gulped down a treat a little too big that there were remnants stuck in his throat and had all the collapsed trachea symptoms. He had a little but now it was really bad. Anyway they told me olive oil is a good way to soften hard bits of food so I started putting a few teaspoons in his wet food and seriously his 'honking'/snoring is 70% better. Whatever was stuck is now not and it was there for 2 weeks. He never snored before either. Maybe your pom has some food stuck. There's a post on google about eucalpytus oil and showers too that apparently helps.