Hydrogen Peroxide Use for Cats
Hi Ted. Thanks for all that you do!
I have an animal rescue organization and with that as you know comes lots of sicknesses. I am engrossed in Naturopathic healing the last 4 years after my health declined as well as the chronic sickness with the animals.
My questions are: How much 3% solution can I add to the cats drinking water, and for how long safely? Does it kill off internal parasites such as hookworm? How often can I use a diluted solution in nebulizer for a cat with chronic bronchitis? I was nervous since it was my first time using H202, but I did his first treatment last night and it literally saved his life! - He was dying of suffocation from all the mucus build up :(
Thanks SO much for your help!
Hi Tracy, drug store hydrogen peroxide has stabilizer chemical that is TOXIC especially for a CAT. Use FOOD GRADE HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 3% SOLUTION IN A NEBULIZER. Put kitty in a clean clear plastic tub with a loosely closed lid. Make the large plastic tub like a fun box to get in. Also, I have used a sheet where my cat was sleeping and clipped the nebulizer on the table leg in tiny tent.
Good vibes and prayers to Kitty and you.
Destin, fl
Why has nobody answered this???
I think you'll find an answer here - https://www.earthclinic.com/how-to-use-hydrogen-peroxide-for-cough.html
Silver City
I use hydrogen peroxide on my cats to keep the rhino-virus at bay as they are indoor outdoor cats and the only thing veterinarians know how to do is give antibiotics that kill their gut bacteria and make them more susceptible to other things. I used the food grade 3% from any drug store and add normal saline at 1-1 ratio. Sometimes I dissolve a vitamin C tablet in normal saline and use that at a1-1 ratio. My cats have a spot or two of ringworm around their mouth so im trying straight hydrogen peroxide around there in spots. Thats the hardest location to remove because the cats lick it all the time so unless there are other suggestions for quick dab kill shots? I also use the nebulizer on myself its great for covid prophylaxis and helps with many other things. Here is a link to review that subject.
Cats, like other animals, have enzymes that can degrade hydrogen peroxide. One such enzyme is catalase, which is found in the peroxisomes of cells and is responsible for breaking down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen.
I have used H2O very successfully for the treatment of feline acne, with several cats. Please don't spread panicky info without providing further info.