I Have Skin Tag In Sensitive Area
I have a skin tag in an embarassing part of my body. Not sure about iodine method has anyone got any suggestions?
Cardiff, Wales Uk
Hi sian x regarding your skin tags, get a reel of cotton, and wrap it as tightly as you can, around the bottom of your skin tag. By this I mean, as near to where your skin tag begins, as near as your root end grows. This will then, stop the blood supply to the skin tag, as that's what its feeding off. This will then eventually make the skin tag die, and then fall off. It also works on skin tags anywhere on your body. Once the blood supply is cut off, its bye bye skin tags!!
Also if you are unable to reach where the sun don't shine, ask someone you can trust to do it for you. I hope this has helped you, and I had to do it for a friend of mine coz she had them in a place were angels fear to tread, and I also wore disposable rubber gloves, and washed my hands and the gloves, in a product called hibi scrub to cut out any risk of infection. This is what surgeons use to kill off any bugs, bacteria, and viruses, before they do any operations. I hope this helps, Nosta cariad. Andrea c X X X
Portsmouth, Uk
I too had a skin tag in an place where the sun dont shine and was worried my new potential partner might think it was related to something else.
I tried the cotton trick - it took quite a few goes, I made a lasoo in the end with the cotton, which enabled me to tighten the cotton once in place.
Yes, you will have to use your imagination - not easy thing to do - but it worked and fell off over a week later. I was so relieved and no sign of it coming back. This was 18 mths ago.
I have many around my arms etc.. and was interest to see the comments on wart remover, I will try that next.