I Need Help For Benign Fasciculation Syndrome
Benign fasciculation syndrome: Hello, I'm looking for help with this. If anyone has any remedies for muscle spasms and twitches that fire off from my eyes to my feet and just about any place in between. Thanks. Richard
Santa Monica, California, Usa
Gippsland, Australia
Hi there, I have suffered muscle twitching for decades. Never diagnosed with anything. About 10 or so years ago tried magnesium and it worked. Back then the only cheap way to take it was by epsom salts. 1/4 - 1/2 tsp in a glass of water first thing in the morning. When not taking regularly I just put some crystals under my tongue when the twitching occurs. Some people take 1 tsp every morning. If using epsom salts start on the lower dose and build up to your level. I have an uncle who swears by the 1 tsp a day for arthritis and keeps him regular. I have also seen elsewhere 500mg magnesium oxide twice a day for this condition but sorry I cannot remember where. Since starting the alkalizing with the added potassium I have had hardly any muscle twitching, then I added the magnesium to it and have not had any since. For me I know the magnesium works and I now believe the potassium is also helpful.
Menlo, Iowa
Thanks for the input. I'm waiting for some Magnesium Chloride I ordered. So I can try a foot soak. I sure hope it works. These muscle twitches and spasms consume my thoughts day and night. I've been on a couple of sites where people say they've had they for years and they have gotten worse over time.
Santa Monica, California, Usa
Hi Richard and Maria. Just wanted to say thank you to Maria for mentioning the potassium. I usually eat 1-2 bananas a day (high in potassium) and stopped eating them a week ago to cut back on fructose and starch. Wouldn't you know it but yesterday I got twitches in one of my buttocks! Very odd, first time I can recall this happening! Magnesium oil did help but I am going back to my bananas, starch and all. Good luck!
Menlo, Iowa
Thanks Janette and Maria, This has really been giving me fits. It started with a irritated nerve in my face that had my eye muscle twitching and causing my vision to bounce all over the place. I fought that the whole month of Sept. Last week my eyelid started twitching then my left thumb then moved into my calve and now it's pretty much all over my body. I did a search on the net and found lots of people have this and most say it never leaves. Others swear Magnesium will clear it up I have some Magnesium Chloride on the way to make oil with. I just pray it works. Thanks again. Richard
Menlo, Iowa
I just started the Magnesium oil this morning I sure hope it works. These twitches and spasms really are upsetting. I went to see a Neurologist last month he checked me over and did an MRI of my head. He said everything looked good. That was for a eye that had muscle spasms that caused my vision to bounce. He told me to give it time and it would probably settle down on it's own. It did but it took just over a month. Then after about a week I got a twitch in the same eye but only in the lid this time. A couple days later I started getting muscle twitches and spasms all over my body. I looked on the net and found a couple of sites where people were saying they have had these for years. They called it Benign Fasciculation Syndrome. When I called my Neurologist back and told him about the twitching he said he needed me to come back in. When all this started he asked me if I'd been bitten by a tick or spider or if I'd been sick or had a sinus infection. I told him I'd been feeling fine. Then a couple of days ago I realized about three months ago I had a tooth with a metal filling chip off. The filling is still on. It was part of the tooth itself that chipped off. I'm going in Monday to try to get it pulled. I'm hoping this has nothing to do with the tooth. But when this is over I'm going to try some heavy metal detoxing and see if it does me any good. Richard.
Santa Monica, California
Hi Richard, Thanks for the update! Just a reminder - don't rule out potassium! Easy to find veggies and fruits high in potassium. You might be low in this AND magnesium. Good luck. I am sure you will find a cure.
Manitowoc, Wi
My eye started twitching (non-stop, practically) about a week ago, so I went to the eye doctor. He told me to drink two 8 oz. glasses of tonic water for a week. Tonic water contains quinine, which blocks the receptors to the nerve... or something like that. Anyway, two days into it and it has calmed down quite a bit. If it comes back, I have to get some prescription eye drops. I think I'll try the magnesium and potassium also. Can't hurt. The doc also said that the twitching is normally from underlying stress, which is what everyone else tried to tell me... but I don't feel particularly stressed.
Placentia, Ca
Hello All, Unfortunately, I have suffered from BFS most of my adult life (I'm 54 ). I get them everywhere. I've had vigorus muscle twiches in my left arm for the last two weeks. They are so annoying they sent me to the hospital last week. Dr. Gave me Ativan, anxiety meds, but they only make me sleepy only to have he twitching present when I awake! Otherwise, they are so bad I can't sleep, or concentrate, which is critical since I'm desperately in need of and searching for employment... Try sitting at the computer while it feels like a frog is jumping inside your arm! My best friend just had some magnesium mailed to me today, high potency 400mg. I just took one and I'm tempted to take 2. I need relief so bad. I've tried Flexeril a muscle relaxer in the past, it does help however it relaxes me so much so I can't function, and a side effect is it relaxes my throat muscles that take about 2 months to get my normal singing voice back! As a pro singer I don't want anything messing with my vocal cords.
I do believe lack of sleep and stress brings my twiches on but it takes a lot to get them to subside.
Prayer, magnesium, sleep, a job... All will help I hope. Any other suggestions are welcomed!
Jazzdiva mom
Columbus, Ohio, United States
Hi, I have been reading everyone's post. It seems like adults have this problem, however my daughter is 9 (10 in May). In October she came home with twitching pain in her elbow, from there she starting having these spasm "episodes" as we call them. She becomes lethargic (like she is dosing off to sleep) and then she starts twitching in her arms, legs, now her eyelids, her eyes roll back. No it's not seizures she was tested. One side of her face sometimes twitches as well. She is now home schooled because they were concerned for her safety. Now she begins making moaning sounds when she has these episodes, they have become a lot worse happening all the time. She is only 9 and has not had any stressful events in her life. She has all the symptoms of BFS plus she also has the moaning and lethargic symptoms as well. The doctors are giving us no help. So if anyone has any ideas from your experience. It would be great. Thanks
Eartha (Mother of Ebony)
Fort Madison, Ia
I would get her started on some transdermal magnesium for starters.
Novi, Michigan
Children often grow very fast and can't get enough calcium in their foods for their needs. Calcium will take care of her issues, not magnesium. Try calcium lactate by standard process because it's highly bioavailable. You'll need to giver her about 10 a day for a while. They are small. I know this will work because I have a friend who's son had the same issue and the local chiropractor... Dr. Tent, suggested this. It was amazing to see the results.
Melbourne, Australia
I would take her off all dairy and gluten and keep her away from processed foods. I would be giving her green smoothies (chlorella, spirulina and wheatgass) and keep her diet organic. It would at least be helpful to her body. There may be something toxic in her system and the green smoothies and a toxic clean up may help her.
I agree with Candy that Transdermal magnesium may help, (that is Magnesium Chloride) in the bath water. A good website is magnesiumforlife about transdermal magnesium.
It must be very distressing. Has she had any vaccines lately? Has this been going on long? Was it triggered by something? What is her diet like?
Novi, Michigan
I wrote in but think I replied to wrong thread. I replied to "remedies needed". Well I was reading this post and thought I would mention that my friends son had similar issues and symptoms and he was 6. She had been to doctors and just so happened to mention this issue to her chiropractor when she was in for her appointment. Dr. Tent is a legend around this area and he suggested calcium lactate at 10 a day. Said that he was growing so fast but wasn't absorbing his calcium from foods and that calcium lactate was ionized and the best for bioavailablity. (Standard Process brand). They are small so don't worry but it also comes in powder for some children who can't swallow tablets yet. This will help relax the muscles from freezing up and help with sleeping and muscle and bone growth. She likely had a growth spurt and the minerals are not in her foods. -in good health
Placentia, Ca
I too have these terrible twitches. I do believe the magnesium helps and melatonin at night. One thing that sets off my muscle twitches is anything with aspartame in it. So I have been off of diet soda for 3 years, but any diet food or sugar substitute with this in it will make it worse. And drinking lots of water helps.
Prior Lake, Mn