Natural Remedies

Spider Bite Swelling and Infection - Urgent Help Requested

Posted by Genevieve (Potosi, Missouri) on 06/23/2018

Homeopathic cures for spider bite swelling or infection?

I have a spider bite that has become so infected it is on the verge of turning into MRSA. What would be a good home remedy to keep the infection from worsening or spreading? Please contact me at your earliest convenience because this is literally life and death. The bite is on the base of my head, and doctors say it is going to affect my brain stem if allowed to spread. I have a prescription for antibiotics, but cannot fill it until Monday morning, and don't want to take a chance of spreading throughout tomorrow and Monday morning until I can get to the pharmacy. Thank you very much.


Replied by Mmsg
Somewhere, Europe

Genevieve, I would apply a clay poultice or an activated charcoal one as per Mama to Many. Look up her video here on EC.

Replied by Kt

Hello Genevieve,

This is what I do and would welcome any feedback.

Garlic is reported to be the strongest natural antibiotic around. I would suggest mincing a fresh garlic clove and swallowing every four hours. Ginger is also a good natural antibiotic. I would use a 1/4 tsp. of ground ginger to make tea, using that to swallow the garlic pieces. It would be good to have a little something in your stomach first because garlic is hard on the stomach. I usually have a cup of coffee and a soft cooked carrot first.

You could alternate 1/4 tsp. dry minced garlic since that is equal to a clove.

You might want to take 1,000 mg. of vitamin C every four hours.

Wishing you the best,


Replied by Anon

Hm. You might try crushing a clove of garlic and bandaging it over the bite so the oil penetrates the skin. And/or find a store that sells therepeutic grade essential oils and get wild oregano oil, grapefruit seed oil, lavender oil, etc. Anything antibacterial. Colloidal silver might help. You may even find success with an activated charcoal poultice over the bite. Even a very warm/hot heating pad or water bottle may kill the pathogen applied over the bite. You could heat a spoon with a lighter and hold it over the bite if nothing else. Hydrogen peroxide. Rubbing alcohol. I wonder if Vicks Vapor Rub would work.

Replied by Sabita C.
Rhode Island

My husband got bitten by an insect at work we suspected a spider. He had fever, chills, loss of appetite and weakness. I took him to the hospital and he had a blood test and a Lyme panel done. He was also given an antibiotic. At home I applied an apple cider vinegar and baking soda poultice on the by site. The area was 4“ x 2“ and in the middle was a quarter size black dead skin. This poultice seemed to draw out the “poison” and reduce the redness. He had a lot of relief from the symptoms he was suffering from.