fected Toe Very Painful - Please Help!
I woke with a sore left toe, the one next to my little toe. I could not recall hurting it but must have bruised it, it turned purplish. Then it got swollen and Dr said it was an infection of the soft tissue. Had X-ray, no break, fracture or misalignment. Took doxycycline and gave me rapid heartbeat, so stopped. Also git rapid heartbeat from mupricine hydroxide a topical antibiotic. Stoped that too and told Dr.
Have soaked it in salt water, can't use Epsom salt for to sulfate allergy. No local source of magnesium chloride. Also tried turmeric with ghee.abd Apple Cider Vinegar
Also using castor oil packs, tried msm mixed with turmeric and coconut oil, and topical ibuprofen.
The pain is really bad and stings. I also have athlete's foot. I have also used terbinafine hydrochloride for athletes foot. I think.i may have got the bacterial infection from crack.in skin from athletes foot. Please help pain is driving me batty and interfering with my sleep