Natural Remedies

Need Help for Infected Wound After Motorcycle Accident

Posted by AJ (Jaipur) on 01/12/2022

Hello guys,

Just found out about this awesome site. I have a few questions. Actually around a week ago my motorcycle slipped and I got some scratch wounds on my knee. I went to the hospital and they did a first aid kind of dressing with povidone iodine may be.

But the bandage was sticking to my wound so I decided to air dry my wound so I kept it open, applying either nothing or just some coconut oil, spraying true colloidal silver. But one of the wounds seems to have gotten infected because I can see pus in it, the scab is also kind of yellowish.

From today I have started applying 50% DMSO with 50% 40 ppm ionic silver solution to it.

So here are my questions:

1. First of all what can I do to heal this wound???

2. Since I used DMSO with ionic silver, I am worried that it might have sucked the silver into my blood and I have also ingested 1 or 2 tablespoon of true colloidal silver for a few days daily I have heard there can be issues like argeriya because of silver. Should I stay away from sunlight or something now???

3. Since I have applied coconut oil, povidone iodine to it and there are some small strands of cotton I can see on my scab. Can DMSO also dissolve and suck them into my blood??? Is that bad???

4. What is the best way to clean my wound before applying DMSO???

I tried making distilled water but it turned out yellowish, I used it anyway. I wonder if water can really clean my wound since it has got a scab.

5. How to apply DMSO??? Fingers are fine to use???

6. As far as I remember my skin used to never get infected. I mean there never used to be pus or anything in wounds. But these days I have found that my wounds are getting infected and draining pus.

What could be the reason for it???

Replied by Art
2152 posts


When I use silver topically on a wound, it will speed the healing process significantly, but it needs to stay wet in order to have the best effect. In order to do this, I use a piece of cotton cloth folded into four layers of thickness that is slightly larger than the wound. I wet the cloth with colloidal silver, no DMSO. Apply to the wound and then use an ACE elastic wrap wrapped around the cloth and my leg to hold the cloth in place and to keep the cloth from drying out too fast. I change the cloth to a new one, twice a day, allowing the wound to dry out between changes. This is what has worked for me in the past.


Replied by Katzie

Manuka Honey is called for in this situation. I would soak my wound with Colloidal Silver several times a day, but not all day. After I would slather it with the Manuka Honey. Try to get those fabric bandages as I find they can be re-fastened the best. Every few hours peel it back and check your wound. You will find the wound "drinks" what it needs, so if the wound is dry, re-apply the honey and re-fasten. You will have to do this less and less, but since you're currently infected, don't let up on it in the first days. It should not take long to heal you up, with little to no scarring, too. Manuka Honey speeds healing, cleans the wound and de-briding is never needed. Don't get hung up on Brand, UMF Strength (or whatever system rating they're using now), or anything else - as long as it says "Manuka Honey" on the jar you are good to go! I use it in place of polysporin.

I hope you heal easily & well.

Replied by Homebody

Hi AJ,

I have had great success with oregano oil for clearing up infected wounds. It needs to be diluted. I buy one that comes diluted with organic olive oil and it contains wild oregano from the Mediterranean. The first time I used it I only applied it topically one time before bed and the infection cleared up overnight. Sorry, I can't answer any of your DMSO questions.