Infection on Bottom Heel
Infection on bottom heel with penny-sized pus circle under skin, fifty-cent coin sized redness
I have an infection on the bottom of my heel. I did not notice it was an infection for over a month because I am so used to other foot pain like plantar fasciitis pain from cold temperatures. Blisters formed over and around it, which I bandaged still not noticing the infection. Soon the moisture of the bandaging and foot sweat allowed the lurking absess to open and pus came out when I was changing the bandaging. I soaked it in peroxide for a short while, apparently not long enough, and put iodine on it, and covered it again hoping that was it. It came back even more painfully two days later, with about a fifty-cent piece size overall including redness and the penny-size of whiteness deep uner the skin that I am assuming is pus. It is warm and the whole heel is swollen, although it is not horrific to view. Two Aleve cut the pain to the point I can walk on without much issue, but I need this thing to go away altogther because I cannot keep taking Aleve, I take too much already. Further up the foot, a boil (I guess it is a boil---it looks like a large pustule) formed under the bandaging of some other blisters, probably from something getting caught under the bandage and working into my skin.
I have read over many "skin infection" remedies here, such as potato, DMSO/iodine, etc. I was wondering if there is any special way to treat this since it is a partially open sore with buried pus. It might be an abscess ON TOP OF ANOTHER abscess. Is there any way to avoid needing to lance these myself? Should proceed with a hot epsom soak, iodine/DMSO, or a potato wrap? Or something else? Can I do the same treatment for both abscess and boil? THANK YOU!!!
P.S. Does a potato poultice need to be an organic potato? Thank you!