Natural Remedies

Insomnia Issues From Covid19 - Questions for Art (CA) Regarding Melatonin

Posted by Andie (Mexico) on 09/11/2021

Art -

Have Covid and need assistance. I caught covid 4 weeks ago and have been through a great deal... near death. I came across protocol of taking large dose melatonin at night to prevent the "storm". I think I am through the worst, but I am now going to do the treatment for lung and organ damage. pLEASE forgive my writing, I am suffering with COVID brain.... so hard to do things. My big problem now is INSOMNIA. lots of info online with long Covid and insomnia. Even when I was taking 60 mg at night on the 123, the melatonin never gave me sleep. lots of info but no solution???

I am a relatively healthy senior - only long term issue is hypothyroidism. covid threw thyroid meds off, that I now have to increase levothyroxine. blood tests also show low calcium (connection with parathyroids) endocrinologist says I need to calcium - probably short term. product ordered. Also taking boron water (1/8 tsp + salt in litre) slowly for this and more .

Really hope you can help with insomnia. Hard to get well without adequate sleep.

Replied by Art

Hi Andie,

Not everyone gets the sleep effect with melatonin and most studies show low dosing to be most effective for sleep at anywhere from 1/3 mg up to 3 mg per night. Initially I got sleep benefit from melatonin, but then that benefit went away and more recently it is back again.

If your intent is strictly for sleep, you might try that lower dosing range. Melatonin at that low range is also noted in a couple of studies for helping to reduce nocturia, which means if trips to the bathroom are frequent at night, there may be less trips which can equate to better sleep.

When I had bad insomnia, medical marijuana helped using high THC / low CBD content buds.

There are many other natural remedies such as GABA, passion flower, hops, valerian root extract and combination supplements that have multiple sleep aids combined.

Other things you can do to get better sleep is to wear blackout fabric soft glasses while sleeping to help extend the time melatonin is active at night. Expose your self to outside morning bright sunlight for at least 15 minutes to try and realign your circadian clock to a normal sleep wake cycle. Keep your bedroom cooler in the mid to upper 60's. Stop eating at least 3 hours before bedtime. Stay as busy as possible during the day. These are practical things you can try to improve your sleep pattern.

Regarding the after effects of covid, HDM can be useful for helping to control these problems, but if it is keeping you awake, that would be counter productive to improving health.


Replied by Terro

just a thought... try 1/2 tsp of baking soda in water at bedtime. You may need to increase to a full tsp. Let us know if it works.

Replied by Joseph A.
Stockton, Ca
73 posts

Hi Andie,

just read your message, I think I can help, first let's talk about insomnia. Serpina (Indian Snakeroot) an Ayurvedic herb that was developed in 1934 for Hypertension, then thru clinical trials it was learn to help aid in sleeping, relaxing the mind, calmness, treats several other health issues. Purchase on line 100 pills of 4 mg tablets, I feel your having a major problem so I recommend 3 pills in morning and 3 pills at nite. You will sleep, you can taper off as needed or stop cold turkey is fine. Do not use if taking cold flu medicine or Antipsychotic drugs. You can also purchase Benadryl pills 100mg and take 1 pill for sleep, if you wake up middle of night, take 1 more pill. These are non-addictive, however they are meant for short term only 4-5 weeks maximum. They will interact with Antipsychotic meds I believe. Melatonin is great as a sleep aid, it also blocks inflammation especially in the lungs. It also reduces the risk of fibrosis, which is one of the most serious COVID-19 complications.

The remainder of my message will pertain to COVID-19 and 5 supplements that may help: Zinc lozenges or pills (not thru intra-nasally) let dissolve (DONT chew) one every 2-4 hrs daily. Vit D, low deficiency of Vit D in patients (Blacks, Hispanics) are higher rates of infections, complications & hospitalizations, as well as nations with low levels of Vit D. They are more likely to experience serious outbreaks & higher mortality rates. Quercetin, preliminary research showing supplements bind to the spike protein in the novel coronavirus, which may inhibit its ability to infect cells. Vitamin C, I suggest you take it intravenously if you can in the hospital, heavy doses help, if not then consume 2,000mg Vit C each hour for 12 consecutive hours for 5 days. Vit C is safe, no side effects even at 30,000mg or higher. Also take Vit D at 5,000iu, take it for 2-3 months then you can reduce to 2,000-3,000iu daily. Research shows patients with an often-fatal COVID-19 complication - acute respiratory failure had Extremely high rates of Vitamin D “Deficiency”.

Ttry to stay hydrated, if your dehydrated your at a higher risk of any type of viral or bacterial illness, urinary tract infections & pneumonia. You will pull thru, I strongly suggest you take Vit C (formula), Vit D 5000iu, Zinc lozenges and melatonin or Serpina pills as soon as you can. Ask Dr about your Vit D levels, most likely very low, same as most people. Good luck, let me know once your taking supplements and feeling better.

Thank you Amigo, Joe A. 9/12/2021.

Replied by Art
2153 posts

Hi again Andie,

I was a little pressed for time in my reply to you, so I am adding to it now that I have more time. Zinc and magnesium can be helpful for hypothyroidism and zinc can also be helpful for sleep when combined with melatonin and magnesium as I previously wrote about here :

I don't know that it can overcome insomnia caused by Covid-19, but it might be worth a try and the zinc and magnesium may be helpful for hypothyroidism as outlined here :

Good luck!


Replied by Joseph A.
Stockton, Ca
73 posts

Hi Andie, I forgot to mention that Melatonin interacts with Lisinopril, which is a treatment for high blood pressure.

always consult your Dr., many times they have no clue regarding alternative meds, therefore do your due Dilligence and check for yourself. Best, Joseph

Replied by Connie


It's a shame you're in such a state. Long Covid and Insomnia...

I was surprised to read recently in some studies that hypocalcemia is commonly found in Covid patients in the ER.

Calcium is essential, and it's necessary for melatonin formation.

Personally, calcium has helped my insomnia more than anything. I don't need that much, but it's critical.

If you have a low parathyroid hormone, then you will have to consult with the Doc. about that. Some people with low PTH have been prescribed the hormone with good results.

Best to You.