Natural Remedies

Strange Lesions on Wrists Formed After Acupuncture - Doc Says Not Fungal

Posted by Leanne (Australia, ) on 01/19/2022

I have these lesions on my wrists. I have had them for about 6 months. been to the Dr. They are not ringworm or fungal. Dr doesn't know what they are. can't get in to a skin specialist for 5 months. I seem to have developed them when I was having acupuncture around that area but not in that exact spot, don't really know if that was the cause though. They started as spots then morphed into what they are now. they are not itchy or painful.

I hope someone can help, please.

Replied by Art
2152 posts


Looks like Granuloma Annulare or ringworm or possibly a type of eczema. If I had it, I would try Clotrimazole first to see if it responds. If it goes away, then it is likely ringworm.


Replied by Deirdre

Hi Leanne,

Wow, yes, it does indeed look like Granuloma Annulare as Art suggested if you search Google images.

Here is the GA on Earth Clinic with some reader remedies:

Replied by Charity
faithville, Us

you had acupuncture for? this may be a lyme rash. I never saw a lyme rash on myself, but fought the disease.

South Australia

Hi Charity,

I was having acupuncture for osteoarthritis in my wrists. We don't have lyme disease in south australia.

faithville, Us

It is good you don't have lyme. It's not fun to overcome.

Sorry you are battling osteoarthritis. I like to watch Eric Berg on youtube to get tips. Dr. Batmanghelidj watercure books believes it is a mineral or water imbalance but gut health affects absorption of minerals. Hope you find solutions quickly. Calcium is tricky in that you need all minerals in balance and Vitamin D-3 and K-2 to put it in bones and teeth and keep it out of soft tissues. I don't know of any mineral supplement with all minerals in them, let alone in balance. I am trying to solve a few things of my own, being human is complicated. The body takes what it can find to keep the most important organs going, even if part of you dies off because your body is being resourceful to keep you alive.

Eat This Food for Osteoarthritis - YouTube

Replied by MG

Hi Leanne,

Possible that the needles were not sterile? They should have been removed from the paper wrapping right before treatment and discarded after. Does look fungal and this is a strange area to get lesions. Let us know if athlete's foot cream works. If so, you'll see improvement in about 3-5 days of twice a day application.

Replied by Anonomo Also

I would put oil of oregano on it... yep looks like ringworm.


Thanks Anonomo, I have put anti-fungal cream on the lesions but hasn't helped. I have also tried ACV, colloidal silver, and at the moment trying vitamin e oil. I will try oregano oil if that doesn't work. I believe I have granuloma annulare. From what I have been reading and photos, it can be caused by minor skin injury, which I think was from the acupuncture which was around that area on both wrists. It can go away on its own but that could take years.