Natural Remedies

Loss of Cartilage in Hips

Posted by Gracie (UK) on 06/23/2024


I'm female, in my eighties, and have eaten healthily since I was twenty-six years of age, mainly to give me energy to cope with working and bringing up a family. I'm aghast sometimes when I think how many different supplements I've taken over the years, and quite a few with adverse effects. Recently, on Earth Clinic I read about the benefits of astaxanthin, only to discover it sent my appetite through the roof. I'm a bit overweight as it is!

When I was in my seventies I had a knee replacement. Apparently I had arthritis/osteoporosis, and when it moved into my hips I started taking borax. The pain got steadily worse, and my gut reaction was "This bl ... dy borax does not work! " However, quite recently, I approached my doctor about having cortisone injections into my hips, and they took X rays. It appears I don't have arthritis but have lost half the cartilage in my hips and have none remaining in my left knee. So the borax must have protected me from arthritis.

I decided not to pursue the cortisone injections because I read that they can cause the bone to splinter. Also, a friend recently had a cortisone injection in their back, and shortly afterwards they had a serious blood complaint. Possibly not connected but it did put me off!

But I'm still in a lot of pain with my hips. So where do I go from here? I've taken innumerable supplements, but none have helped. I don't want to go through the trauma of having two hip replacements. Has anyone tried stem cell therapy? Does it work? And is it available in the UK?

OK, I'm in my eighties, but inwardly still feel young, and want to carry on having an interesting life. However, it's hard when in pain all the time.

If anyone has any solutions I shall be interested to hear them.

Best wishes.

Replied by mmsg
somewhere, europe

Gracie, read up on Gelatin for cartilage.

Replied by Cindy
Illinois, USA
518 posts

I LOVE all of thee coincidences -

I am currently making some "bike" shorts from old 100% cotton t-shirts for the purpose of a full, double hip (both hips) BF&C fomentation.

That's Dr. Christoper's Bone Flesh and Cartilage formula, but in the form of a warm glycerine "syrup" so I can dip the shorts in, wring them out so they don't drip and wear them overnight on a waterproof pad, covered with another waterproof pad and a linen linen and see what happens.

You can make washable waterproof pads by simply cutting up a fitted, noiseless, waterproof mattress protector - I.e. a big piece of PUL fabric. Super easy, doesn't need hemming and cheap. You could also just make a second pair of shorts from it.

Replied by Katzie
Cancun, Mexico

A few years ago a chiropractor sent me for xrays after a serious fall. It was then he told me that in about 6 months I would be in alot of pain as I had no cushioning in-between my discs on both sides. When I looked at them I wondered why I wasn't in pain right then - there was nothing there!

Sure enough, 5 months later I was in pain. Thanks to this site I learned of DMSO. In my research I found a university study that said DMSO corrected dna back to what it was supposed to be doing; the dna's original purpose.

I started using it on my lower back 3x/day. I use Castor Oil to protect the skin, then put 7 to 8 drops on the DMSO on afterwards. I would let it soak in for 15 mins, and then go about my day. Over the weeks I noted I needed less and less drops, and applied it less frequently, as well. Eventually I did not need the DMSO applied anymore. It's been 3 years now and never had a re-occurrence either.

How did I know when to lower the dosage and/or frequency, you might wonder? My body told me. If the area was sore after applying, I knew that I was using either too much or too frequently. I count myself as blessed to have found DMSO!!! Read the reviews on this site and prepare to be amazed!


Katzie, did you use straight dmso, not diluted? I love your story! I'm always reading to use dmso diluted down to say 70/30 etc. So you apply the castor oil first then a few drops of dmso? I will be starting this today! I've been fighting 3 herniated lumbar discs since 2006! It has now affected my knees after my back flared up last summer. Thank you for the information you provided!


Hi Katzie

Thank you for your helpful post about the use of DMSO for loss of cartilage in hips. This is something very new to me, and I will certainly give it a try. I've actually put in an order to Amazon for the DMSO and it should arrive tomorrow.

I will report back on how successful it is, as it may help others.

Best wishes.

Replied by Katzie
Cancun, Mexico

I never bothered to water it down myself. But please note that you must protect the skin from straight DMSO, as it can be rough on it. Castor Oil is my personal favorite, but I've also used argan oil, almond oil, coconut oil, and even olive oil on occasion. I still think it's a minor miracle that I didn't have to suffer that toothache-like pain in my lower back for very long and never since then either.

Keep us updated on how it works for you!


Hi Katzie

The DMSO arrived yesterday from Amazon, so immediately I set about putting it to use. I made two applications about six hours apart targeting my hips, pelvis, and lower back, and everything went OK. However, I did spend part of my day in an over large white tee shirt to protect my body absorbing any nasties from coloured clothing. Was I too cautious here? And I've put on another two applications today.

The ends of my fingers are very gnarly. Do you recommend protective gloves?

I already had some high quality coconut oil and I mixed 50% of this with 50% DMSO.

I'm away for a five day break but intend taking the DMSO away with me, and hopefully will be able to carry on the treatment in the seclusion of my hotel room! Just hope no one comes knocking at my door!

When you say the pain is like a bad toothache, this describes it perfectly. It does adversely affect the quality of your life.

Best wishes.

Replied by Katzie
Cancun, Mexico

DMSO did leave my fingertips dry and a little white sometimes, and I would use aveeno lotion on them (only one that ever worked for me to re-moisturize). So it was never a problem for me. I would not use gloves with DMSO. Maybe you could put a little more of the oil to protect your skin and then add your dmso drops and apply. I found adding the DMSO drops to my palm and not my fingertips was also helpful.

I never wanted to have my clothing even touching my Castor Oil as it is very difficult to get out of it. I would apply the C.O. & DMSO in the bathroom and watch videos on my phone for 15 mins while it was absorbing and I was only half-dressed, then I would wipe off the area before letting my shirt slide down again.

I forgot to say that my total healing process was about 6 to 8 months. Keep at it and I am happy for you!