Natural Remedies

Need Natural Remedy for Guinea Pig Mammary Gland Tumor

Posted by Linda (Tampa) on 02/18/2025

We have a 6 1/2 year old male guinea pig, Porter. Noticed on Friday that his mammary gland is enlarged and bleeding periodically. We have decided not to go to the vet since we know they will suggest biopsies, surgery, strong antibiotics, $$$, etc. We are also aware that the guinea pig life span is 5-7 so just want to do something natural to give Porter a good quality of life whereas he is still very active, eating and pooping normally.

Therefore we are seeking advice on if we should drain the gland / tumor every few days? What do we put on it? Right now we are cleaning it with saline solution and applying coconut oil. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated since natural remedies for guinea pigs are hard to find. Thank you!

Replied by Rob

Paint the tumor with Tincture of Iodine 2% 2x/daily.


Thank you. I don't know much about it but read it can be toxic if ingested. I fear he will lick / bite his wound and consume what is on there.

Replied by Cheryl
Highland Park, NJ
12 posts

Hi Linda, I've used a dot of castor oil on pets for many issues - growths, cuts, infections, anything on the skin. Once even on a kitten's inner eyelid when she had a growth and it was gone the next day. It's not called the Palma Christi for nothing and I've used it myself for years for different skin issues. You don't even have to rub it in much. And it won't hurt if he licks it, just hopefully not right away. Hope this helps Porter.


Thank you! Any specific kind on castor oil?

Replied by Mama to Many

Dear Linda,

I would second the idea of castor oil.

Frankincense essential oil is also an anti-tumor. You could dip a toothpick in a bottle of Frankincense and add it to the drop of castor oil to use topically.

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Mama to Many

Dear Linda,

I would second the idea of castor oil.

Frankincense essential oil is also an anti-tumor. You could dip a toothpick in a bottle of Frankincense and add it to the drop of castor oil to use topically.

~Mama to Many~