Natural Remedies

Husband Diagnosed With Micro Papillary Bladder Cancer - Seeking Remedies

Posted by Paula (Jersey shore .pa) on 07/14/2024

Hello, my husband 65 years old was just diagnosed with micro papillary bladder cancer. They say it's aggressive, but not into walls and hasn't spread anywhere. They say chemo doesn't work. Any suggestions.

Replied by Rob

GARLIC FOR CANCER—the active materials in garlic also have anti-cancer properties. The active ingredient ALLICIN has reduced cancer according to its dose. At high doses garlic is 100% effective as shown in experiments with animals.

Garlic Works Against Tumors And Cancers

Russian scientists successfully used garlic extracts against human tumors. Dr. Gurwitch discovered that garlic and onions emit a peculiar type of ultraviolet radiation that have the property of stimulating cell growth, and have a rejuvenating effect on all body functions. Numerous animal studies show that fresh garlic can immunize animals against tumor development or reverse it, once under way. In a Japanese study fresh garlic completely wiped out BREAST CANCERS in mice. In U.S. experiments in 1987, garlic in animals was found to be more effective in warding off BLADDER CANCERS than a well-known cancer vaccine called BCG. A Chinese study suggests that ALLIUM vegetables such as onions and garlic may reduce the risk of stomach cancers.

In a study, whole garlic extracts were fed to mice and resulted in significantly lower bladder tumor weights and volume compared to control mice who were not fed garlic. Garlic's strong anti-cancer activity suggests consuming garlic or garlic supplements could be used as a complimentary therapy with traditional methods of bladder cancer treatment and can be taken as a preventative to decrease the risk of developing cancer.

In 1953, Dr. Weisberger of Case Western University in Cleveland, Ohio and his colleague, Pensky, mixed cancer cells with small quantities of allicin and then injected them into mice. These mice were still alive six months later while those without allicin died within sixteen days. This led to further studies. A researcher in Germany demonstrated that garlic can cause the regression of certain tumors, particularly breast tumors in mice, but other cancers, such as leukemia, were unaffected. In Japan, the researchers Kamura and Yamamoto, at the University of Hokkaido (where the best Japanese garlic grows), confirmed that garlic extracts prevented the divison of cancer cells growing in the human body. They agreed with Weisberger; it seemed as if the thiol groups were responsible.

Sulfides, which are found in garlic in large amounts, stop the growth of tumors and inhibit carcinogens. According to the National Cancer Institute, garlic is among the top of the list of foods ingested as a potential weapon against many types of cancer. Whether you eat it raw or cooked, garlic is an important cancer-fighter, says Eric Block, Ph.D., a professor at State University of New York at Albany who has devoted most of his career to researching garlic. The evidence for garlic's strength against cancer comes from several epidemiological and animal studies. Researchers Dr. Lenore Arab and colleagues from the University of North Carolina analyzed 18 studies looking at garlic eaters. Based on six studies, the findings show that high consumption of raw or cooked garlic decreases the risk of colorectal cancer nearly 50%. Also, based on four studies the risk of developing stomach cancer was cut in half for those who consumed the most garlic.

I also suggest you read Boone Doggie testimonial here on EC @

Replied by Neco

MMS oder Chlordioxid zu versuchen...

Try MMS or chlorine dioxide...

Replied by Hollyhock

My 90 year old father had an aggressive bladder cancer. They removed what they could and then treated him with bovine tuberculin. Here is a Cleveland Clinic article on the treatment. My father did very well with this.

Replied by Sherri

Hi Paula,

Sorry to hear about your husband's diagnosis. MBPC is/was considered a rare cancer type.

I would definitely consider looking into a few other causes and treatments since the histological slide images of MPBC are very similar to a blood fluke parasite and/or fungal involvement:


The leading cause for bladder cancer (next to smoking) is Schistosoma Haematobium, a blood fluke which infects the urogenital system. The disease is called Schistosomiasis or Bilharziasis which is the second most prevalent parasitic disease in the world (WHO).

It is interesting that the histological slides for MPBC look about identical to this parasite.

The helminth parasites Clonorchis sinensis (Chinese Liver Fluke), Opisthorchis viverrini (SE Asian Liver Fluke) and S. haematobium (Blood Fluke) were declared as Group 1 carcinogens by WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Working Group on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans in 2009. This was extensively proven.

See for references.

I personally know of 3 women who had bladder cancer and they all tested positive for this parasite. And, I knew a young man who had it (diagnosed at autopsy) and asked his physician for parasitic testing though, they refused (?).

In addition to following an anti-cancer protocol (many good ones - see Dr Hulda Clark's books) one must also treat the parasite (cause):


Praziquantel is the drug of choice. Typical dose is 40-100 mg/kg, 2-4 times/day, taken with a fatty meal. Treatment is for 3 - 21 days and repeated 2-3 weeks later. Must retest to verify clearance. Most repeat treatment 2-4 times.

Often, other synergistic antiparasitics are included with praziquantel to increase its effectiveness: artesunate (6 mg/kg), artemether (6 mg/kg), artemisinin, metrifonate, fenbendazole, others.

In studies, Prazi with artesunate or artemether performed better. (Efficacy of praziquantel and artemisinin derivatives for the treatment and prevention of human schistosomiasis: a systematic review and meta-analysis; 17 Oct 2011.

Another treatment: artesunate 4 mg/kg with mefloquine 8 mg/g or artesunate I.V.. (Antimalarial Artesunate-mefloquine versus praziquantel in African children with schistosomiasis: an open-label randomized controlled trial. 04 Jan 2024.)

Antibiotics are often taken during treatment since parasitic die-off can cause strep or staph infection. Cephalexin is often used.

Including anti-blood fluke herbs is synergistic: e.g., clove, garlic oil/macerated garlic, curcumin longa, eucalyptus citriadora, Vernonia amygdalina leaf, Pau d'arco, and many others.

Must absolutely avoid any and all contact with, and ingestion of, isopropyl alcohol since it causes flukes to hyper-procreate in the body. Found in many skin products (creams, shampoos, etc).


Hematuria (blood in urine), scarring, squamous cell carcinoma, occasional embolic egg granulomas in brain or spinal cord, kidney damage, fibrosis of bladder and ureter, bladder cancers, reduced bladder capacity, stenotic ureters, secondary bacterial infections, bladder/ureter calcification, cystitis, urethritis, Hydroureter, hydronephrosis, pyelonephrosis.


Definitely look at diagnostic testing for this condition.

The primary test for this disease is a urine test since the eggs are shed in the urine. Antibodies and/or antigens detected in blood or urine samples are also indications of infection.

In chronic infections, or if eggs are difficult to find, an intradermal injection of schistosome antigen to form a wheal is effective in determining infection. Or, a bladder biopsy is done if the urine test is negative.

Diagnosis can also be made by complement fixation tests. Blood tests include ELISA and an Indirect immunofluorescence test, but these can have low sensitivity ranging from 21% to 71%.


Dumping of waste into waterways and fresh water snails spread the disease. The parasite burrows through the skin within 3-5 minutes when in contact with infected water (fishing, swimming, wading, gardening, drinking, waste water, etc).


Can get testing from Real Time labs, Great Plains laboratory or Vibrant Wellness.

Follow an antifungal/mold protocol: diet, herbs, essential oils, topicals, environmental treatments, binders, etc.

Sometimes, a fungal/mold co-infection occurs with S. Haematobium.


Herbs, foods, alkalize, hydrate, anti-inflammatories, Lumbrokinase systemic therapy, etc.

Try to find an experienced holistic practitioner who offers other diagnostic testing and is familiar with parasitic treatments.

I know several individuals that completed their own treatments and did so successfully, including myself.

Write back if you need more suggestions.

Wishing your husband effective treatment soon! Sherri

Replied by Cindy
Illinois, USA
518 posts

Dr. John R. Christopher's "the incurables" - cancer is, apparently, one of the easier issues to fix.