Natural Remedies

Need Mite Doctor Referral in Tennessee

Posted by BeverlyP (TN/USA) on 12/11/2022 4 posts

Does anyone know a doctor in Middle Tennessee that knows how to treat Demodex mites. What I am doing is not working. My daughter thinks this isn't a problem because that's what all the doctors have said. She thinks if I see a psychiatrist, everything will be ok. I am not crazy but, I am just about 2 steps from jumping off a cliff if I can't make some progress. Maybe there is a local health food store with someone who is knowledgeable on this problem. I would be ever so grateful for any recommendations.

Replied by mmsg
somewhere, europe

BeverlyP, have you tried garlic?

4 posts


No. How should I use garlic? At this point I would eat a whole clove or rub it all over my body! Just tell me what works. Thanks ever so much!

M in M

Beverly….have you tried the remedies others have used on the earthclinic page for mites?

somewhere, europe

BeverlyP, woooaaaahhh!!!! You REALLY must be suffering!! Pls do NOT overdo things!! Start with rubbing some garlic on a cracker or toast. If tolerated, try chopping up ONE clove, leave it 15 minutes to develop the allicin, then swallow like pills, with a glass of water. If tolerated, you can do that twice a day.

Externally, you can try mincing a garlic clove and putting it (after 15 minutes) in olive oil to soak a day or two, then rub the oil on your skin. You probably CAN try rubbing the cut side of a clove on the worst areas (NOT by your eyes or mucus areas) but very very cautiously.

Kitchener On

Hi BeverlyP

In the past I had scabbies and by sprinkling DE all over my body, I got rid of them. Be sure to purchase only Food Grade diatomaceous earth.

Best wishes


I know it will help you

Dublin, OH

When applying Food Grade diatomaceous earth all over your body (or when you apply it to surfaces such as window sills, floors, pets & their beds, etc., etc.), make sure you protect your eyes (with goggles) and wear a mask. You do not want to get this silica (powdered fossilized aquatic skeletons) in your eyes, and you do not want to breathe it in. Here's just one of many standard warnings: "If diatomaceous earth is inhaled, it may irritate the nasal passages. If a large amount is inhaled, it may cause coughing and/or shortness of breath. Diatomaceous earth can also cause skin irritation and dryness and eye irritation".

Replied by GertJr

If you have no luck with dr's, research what vets use on pets with scabies/mange/etc (all are mites), and then try that. I have used ivermectin (the horse paste) on a dog with mange with great effect. Your research will show ivermectin safe and effective for many conditions, internal and external application. Just a thought.

Replied by Ron
21 posts


You may have a mold issue. Check for water intrusion around the outside of the home. leaky gutters? Backed up downspouts? poorly graded foundation? is water making it into the basement? Check and check again. Wherever there is moisture, you will find mold. Is there a basement? Do the wood joists on the ceilings have any weird coloring or debris attached? Even a small mold colony can cause what you are experiencing if you're allergic. I thought I had mites for 4 years. I pulled the insulation off the basement ceiling and found a pennicillum colony took hold throughout the wood joists. Had to scrub it ALL off, every sq inch with bleach water while wearing a N100 / P95 gas / vapor cartridge mask.

Also; found where the foundation was leaking water into my basement due to a downspout drain that filled with roots. had to re run the downspout above ground. Also; the moisture built up in some drywall in the basement, which when I removed it, had nearly 100sq ft of black mold colony throughout... behind the drywall on the foundation side.

If you do your laundry in a basement, the dryer brings the basement air in through your clothes, your clothes act as a filter for all the mold spores. do your laundry elsewhere until the mold is cleaned up - if you find mold. if someone you know is handy, have them run a custom air intake line to the back of the dryer, that pulls air from a room in the house besides the basement.

mold can kill you. wear a p95 / n100 mask rated for mold spores during cleanup. physically remove any mold u can't scrub off with bleach water (EPA recommends 1/4 c bleach to 1 gallon water for mold cleanup) ... that may mean using a crowbar and demolition tools like sawzall to remove building materials.

It is highly unlikely a skin mite infestation is the cause of your issues, but it also isn't mental. It could be an allergy to your environment. trust me, I went 8 months without sleep and wanted to kill myself. I know where you may be at with this. but look for mold.

Be careful hiring mold inspectors. I consulted with 4 companies. and only ONE actually wanted to look for water leaks from outside the home, before determining the course of action. most of them assume YOU know more about water intrusion than the average person really does.... which is ridiculous.

Replied by Ron
21 posts

Another recommendation - if you really do have mites and it isn't an environmental allergy (likely it is) - then you would take care to make sure your skin isn't dried out or damaged by any of your current hygiene practices, or by any of your home treatments for mites. Extreme skin deficiencies can cause formication (the feeling of crawling on/under the skin)

Be sure to get enough vitamin E in your diet. 400 IU every other day. I take 1200 IU twice a week. Incorporate fish oil into your diet. And be sure you are getting enough calcium, for calcium deficiency can cause skin problems. Fish oil helped me recover from most of my skin allergies, calcium did the rest. Of course, I had to remove the mold from my home and re-wash all my mold spore ridden clothes a few times in bleach and borax first, too.

Oil yourself down twice a week with liquid coconut or another gentle oil you can tolerate - before showers. Look up Abhyanga's how to video on youtube. You massage every inch of your skin and scalp with an oil (could add tea tree to combat mites) then you shower off with a mild soap, like Everyone Soap, or diluted Castile soap, or even a castile soap bar like Kirk's found in many stores.

Simply using commercial soap / wash rag will dry your skin out. Do not use antibacterial soap. I would avoid any lotions too. They contain irritants and allergens 99% of the time (by design). Perform the Abhyanga twice a week to rebuild skin moisture health.

Switch your laundry detergent to free & clear - no fragrance- great value brand at walmart is cheap. and add 1/2 cup borax to each load, and use 1/8 cup real bleach (try to find low splash for laundry use) in the washer's bleach cup. color safe bleach contains skin irritants. try to bear with any staining, 1/8 cup per load should be little to no staining. without bleach you wont remove mold spores - if mold is an issue.

air dry/ hang dry your clothes upstairs out of the basement if your dryer is in the basement do not use it in case it is impregnating your clothing with mold spores.

Please see my other reply: no joke, my clothes were a filter for my basement's mold, and for 4 years I went slowly clinically insane due to the unbearable skin itching. Once I removed the mold and fixed my laundry setup (started air drying them upstairs first) then my issues melted away.

I lived with my mother at the time who had little issue. It just happened I was allergic and she wasnt, to the mold. Hence why I felt I was going crazy, and she was concerned for me, too.

If you truly had demodectic mange mites, likely your daughter would feel them too. Also; those types of infestations usually clear up in a couple weeks.

The treatment for mange mites is a sponge bath every day. Use a bowl of warm 2 quarts hot water with a tablespoon borax stirred in, and with a cup of peroxide 3% dumped in. sponge everything off let it sit a minute. then rinse thoroughly, especially the hair. it is safe if you rinse it right away, but if you leave it in, the hair follicles weaken and some fall out.

This WILL dry your skin out and also cause symptoms of formication if you dont replenish the moisture a couple times a week. see the oil massage above.

Replied by Yad
Sunny Somewhere
15 posts

First, please consider trying Ivermectin, next Bitter Apricot Seed and last pure spirit of turpentine such as Diamond G Forest brand should the first two fail.