Natural Remedies

Mother With Blocked Ears

Posted by Miranda (Melbourne, Vic, Australia) on 09/11/2009

Mother with Blocked Ears - Help

Hi, i have been reading this site for a few months now, and have tried many of the remedies which have been fantastic! i am OPing most days, i eat more tumeric, i have made a cayenne tincture which helps my allergies - i put 20gm of organic cayenne pepper into a glass jar with about 150ml of high proof alcohol and i left it for 2 weeks, shaking it 4 times a day.i use a few drops in my mouth to stop a reaction, it is amazing stuff.

however my mother has had blocked ears for the last 8 weeks and nothing we do seems to help. she takes ACV as i do, plus a multitude of other things, and nothing seems to change it. there is no wax in her ears and the blockage is in the inner ear, her head is numb, and she feels very dry and light headed. i have been reading about bed incline therapy and am considering that, but does anyone else have another suggestion?

Replied by Tricia
84 posts

I would be wary of incline bed therapy for this as if there is a blockage of air or dead skin or infection in the eustacian canal it could move it to another site or spread within the same passage and create a worse problem. If it is only air, as in the same pressure that air travellers get, maybe holding mouth and nose shut then trying to blow may help.

Replied by Mike
Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

Just in answer to Miranda, from Melbourne re problem with blocked ears. Im a 51 year old male and have had blocked ears on and off for around 5 years, went to the doctor sevral times and recieved different antibiotics, drops, ear candles, ears flushed at the clinic, only to have the problem return...until i tried this home mix which has worked with out any side effects, and my ears have been clear now for at least 3 months.....

The mix is 1 tablespoon of white vinegar, 1 tablespoon peroxide, 1 tablespoon baby oil....all can be got from the local supermarket... mix into an eye dropper bottle and place 4 or 5 drops into each ear, massage in on each side for a few minutes to make sure it gets in behind the ear drum ..( you will hear it working, sound like popping corn going off inside you ear and thats it.. you may have to do this 2or 3 times, but it seems to kill all the bugs in there and all the wax thats built up... give it a go you will be suprised....Mike..

Replied by Nan
Twin Falls, Idaho

The most important thing that I can do to help my plugged ears is avoid all dairy products. Non dairy creamer has cassin and I have to limit non dairy items for they add some part of the milk for flavor. It is a hard sacrifice I could live on cheese. Every once in awhile I forget to check and I get hard of hearing but the even worse I get a "dairy hangover" after sleeping horizontally. It took me 40 years to learn this about myself and wish I had figured it out as a kid.

I have learned from my chiropractor when my balance is affected from plugged ears to sit on the side of the bed and lay down on one side flat and then sit up again repeat to the other side. It can make you dizzy and woozy and you may want to stop. Repeat 3x's on both sides. This will disslodge and move the contents of your sinuses. Then take you hands and pull down from your ears where your draining tubes are and help move it out. I have felt it go into my stomach. Repeat this a few times during the day until it is gone. The sooner you get to it the better. Very effective.

Another tip is to cup your hands over your ears and create suction to start moving things. I find doing it in the shower helps makes a good seal. I really don't like doing this but it helps.

Replied by Kelly
La, Ca

I was sitting at home and suddenly my right ear felt like someone put an earplug in it. It was odd, then 20 mins later my left ear did it too. Needless to say I was freaking out. It all happened so suddenly. I read the post about cupping your hands over your ears so I figured it was simple enough to try and it worked! My right ear returned to normal! The left one is a little stuffy still, but I'm typing this instead of trying it!

Replied by Angelina
Seattle, Washington

I have suffered with blocked, congested ears and ear aches most of my childhood and until recently in my 30s. I found my healing solution which has changed my life completely.

Daily: I apply apple cider vinegar to a q-tip and hold in each ear for a few seconds.

I am able to work on the telephone without blocked ear drums. The pain has stopped. I have also regained inner ear balance. I feel like a new person.

Try it, it will work within 1 to 3 days. I have felt a little iritation come back once I stopped for a day, so I am continuing treatment daily and it is keeping my ears clear and healthy.

Replied by Carmel
Clacton On Sea, Essex, Uk

Am having problems with blocked ear (MOSTLY ONE) and sinus, nose, also headaches and face hurting. It is not ear wax. I have had lots of anti biotics, steroids etc and none work. Also had an operation on my nose last year and since then have had the blocked ear problems all the time. Really driving me nuts and find it hard to work. It seems to affect my memory, short term is bad, concentration bad, but this might just be because I am so down with it. I have tried the cayenne pepper idea just now, so far no improvement. And I am sitting here with a clove of garlic in each ear making sure it cannot go right in. Will keep in touch but would love to hear from others in meantime.

Replied by Sue
Adelaide, South Australia

to Mike from Gold Coast, Queensland

I just used your remedy (1 tablespoon of white vinegar, 1 tablespoon peroxide, 1 tablespoon baby oil) for blocked ears, I substituted baby oil with olive oil, I also held a warm wheat bag over the area & WOW in about a minute the ear has almost unblocked, I'll keep trying! THANK YOU!

to Carmel from Clacton On Sea, Essex, Uk

I truly understand what you're going through, 3 years ago I had to have surgically inserted grommets both ears were so bad I was going deaf. Blocked, painful & infected ears has continued on since childhood (I'm in my 50's), I still have the occasional problem but maybe you can try Mike's remedy above as I have tonight. Also do you meditate? GOOD LUCK!

Replied by Gavin
Manganui, Northland, New Zealand

I had a blocked and deaf ear for at least fifteen years after an ear infection. Last xmas I started to add lemon juice to my daily hit of apple cider vinegar. It started to clear within a week and over a period of three months is as good as the other ear which has also improved. So I urge you to try it out.

Replied by Sun
Pune, India

home remedy for blocked ear and pain: hard candy and also chewing gum also help.

Replied by Diana

First, I must say.... I enjoy this site as a nurse and Physiology instructor at a local university. I am always looking to learn from people around me; and am excited when I see through a new perspective, thanks to anothers beautiful mind and personal experience.

I feel, we must always be open to learn, teach, share, respect others, and be sensitive to all people. Everyone that provides advice is based on their experience and is not a one shoe fits all. We speak from personal expierence, whether right or wrong. This is a support site not FB, rude messaging is disrespectful an unnecessary. Words can never be taken back. Please keep in mind, no one knows the person on the other side of the keyboard, nor how words can hurt them. Is it so difficult to be conscious and mindful?

Anyway, for ear aches, I've read many post here and wanted to make a comment about the rubbing behind the ear to move congestion.

This procedure is called "lymphatic drainage. " Go on youtube and watch videos on "how to perform cervical lymphatic drainage " if you want to learn the technique:) I teach this method to many and practice it myself during flu season. As well, you may find a licensed specialist in your area.

I thank everyone for their contribution to this site.

Replied by Bess
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Hi Diana from Tallahassee - What a lovely and thoughtful post! Your words are very true - a little respect goes a long way.

Thanks for the information about the lymphatic drainage. I'll have to try that - I used to just put a very warm washcloth against my ear but that only gave me temporary relief. Good health to you and yours! Cheers, Bess

Replied by Lloyd
Charlotte, Nc

I get an ear infection every year or so: Most infections are viral. And most stopping up of the ears are simply a virus in the ear canals... Which may get to the throat via the eustacian tubes. Every ear infection/ or stopped up ear I've EVER gotten is knocked out instantly by Colloidal Silver. You have to use a high PPM... Mine is over 100 ppm. Two applications within an hour of each other is normal for me.

Mike's post above in this thread should work because part of his formula is hydrogen peroxide which also is a virucide. But I think CS is better. Sore throat? Gargle with CS. Sinus infection? Do a sinus irrigation. Ear infection? Same.

Replied by Tana
Santa Fe, NM

About the colloidal silver- you said it was the same as for the sinus- to irrigate? Or do you just put drops of the silver in your ear?

Replied by Lloyd
Charlotte, Nc

To Tana, Re Colloidal Silver, You irrigate with the silver; sinus and ears.