Need Help for Mysterious Lump After Stomach Bug
Okay, this is weird. I have a lump, not a hemorrhoid, near but not at my anus. It's almost like a hernia, but I've never heard of a hernia in this spot. What do I do for it? I had a stomach thing several weeks ago, really sore bum, and that is when this thing showed up. Do I need to see the doctor? This is not a hemorrhoid, and I can move my bowels just fine. Wiping is difficult due to this lump, but wipes do fine and at home I use a bidet.
Dear Gertjr,
Does the lump hurt? Does it look red or inflamed?
I am wondering if it could be a boil? Or a swollen lymph node? Or a varicose vein?
For a swollen lymph node, a bit of castor oil (topically) a few times a day might help.
If it is a boil, turmeric a few times a day might help. (Internally.)
Trying both would be a couple of broad-spectrum remedies.
Personally, I would try those things for at least a few days or a week before going to a doctor, unless it begins to get worse or more painful or you have other symptoms.
~Mama to Many~
Oh, thanks. I already take turmeric, so will double or even triple my dose. And I never thought about a boil, so will do the castor oil. Neither can hurt and may actually help. The lump acts like a hernia, I can push it in but it pops back out. Feels like a nipple back there, actually. No discoloration and the lump itself does not hurt, but the entire area does. Feels just like a hemorrhoid but is far enough away (1" or so) from the actual anus, so I don't think it's that.
faithville, us
if it were me, it would probably be from something I was taking to fix a problem and then comes the detox symptom, like a boil or yeast breakout. castor oil and charcoal make a good team. I got one of those types of lumps down there when I upped my use of topical DMSO on my liver recently, my stomach was out of sorts, felt yucky. It's gone now. Comfrey cream with DMSO is healing my spine and pain has left. I use them daily. Also rubbing my fingers with it due to moving tons of sod in my yard. Hands love it. That was after I got some gnat attacks that one bit my head and itched for days < I put silver cream on it right away, then the next bit my ear and it doubled in size and lost hearing in that ear until swelling went down. Third one bit my forehead and it swelled up like a clingon down to bridge of my nose. Did some reading and chemistry attracts pests. Trying some lithium oratate 2.5 mg. Spouse not being bit but outside all day takes meds to control uric acid. Hmmm.