Natural Remedies

Need Natural Pain and Inflammation Relief After Knee Replacement

Posted by JR (Michigan) on 07/24/2024

I had my knee replaced five days ago. All the Drs and the physical therapist are pushing pain medication on me. I tried to take it, but I just do not tolerate it at all. Does anyone know of something I can take to help with the pain and inflammation? Thanks all.

Replied by Adele
the US


Did you follow tje before the surgery protocol (it was advised here)?

Read this article for post-surgery pain.

in France, where national health insurance covers homeopathic as well as conventional primary-care doctors. Homeopathy is part of mainstream medicine in most countries in Europe and Latin America as well as in India and Russia.

Homeopathy for Pain Management

The faster way to get the remedies is Amazon Prime.


Thanks Adele. I have been taking the Arnica and I think it's helping a lot. Since you know about homeopathy, can you tell me what I can take for anxiousness. I seem to be very anxious since the surgery. I can't sit still and end up pacing the floor. I was thinking Rhus Tox but I'm not sure. Homeopathy is so complicated. I've been using homeopathic remedies for years and still find them complicated. I always appreciate someone's help who knows more than I. Thanks, Jan

The US
The US

3 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Panic Attacks

Homeopathy is never one size fits all. Choose the one that matches closely your circumstances. Rhus Tox is # for Joint and Muscle Pain, Sprain (I attached the link just in case), but used for anxiety in some circumstances.

Replied by Art
2264 posts

Hi JR,

You can start with melatonin lotion as discussed here with an explanation of how to make it :

And here :

If you need even more pain relief you can make a very simple topical lotion using naproxen or ibuprofen in the soft gel forms such as these :

Naproxen Soft Gels :

Or These :

Ibuprofen Soft Gels :,hpc,130&sr=1-4

For the naproxen or ibuprofen lotion use one ounce of lotion such as Cetaphil Moisturizing Lotion or similar as most lotions will work. A shot glass is close to one ounce. Put the one ounce of lotion in the shot glass and then add the liquid from two soft gels to the lotion by using a wooden toothpick that has a point at each end, poke a hole in one end of the soft gel and squeeze the contents into the shot glass of lotion. Repeat for the second soft gel of either naproxen or ibuprofen. Use the toothpick or a straw to stir the lotion very well in the shot glass and apply carefully to the painful area and avoid applying to open wounds. Put a cover on the shot glass after using.

All three of the above remedies allow very high local tissue concentrations to be achieved that are greater than can be achieved if you just took oral capsules of any of the three active ingredients.

Good luck and come back and let us know how these remedies work for you!



Thank you, Art. Is it o.k. to use this if you are on 2 baby aspirin a day? JR


Thanks, Adele, for all the great information. It is deeply appreciated. It's really great that all the folks on EC are so willing to share their knowledge and experience.

2264 posts

Hi JR,

You didn't say why you are taking the two baby aspirin. If it is for blood thinning purposes (most doctors only prescribe one pill for blood thinning) and if you are taking a blood thinner with it, I would skip the melatonin lotion. If it is for atherosclerosis prevention, then I would consider all three options. If it is for something else, then I don't know the answer.



Art, thanks for your reply. The only reason I'm on the baby aspirin is for keeping the blood thin since the surgery so that I don't get blood clots. I don't know why he prescribed two, but he did. As soon as I can get off of them, I will. So, I think it will be o.k. for me to try the melatonin cream. Thanks again. I'll let you know how it goes.

2264 posts

Hi JR,

It sounds like he is not using a prescription blood thinner with the low dose aspirin and that would be a potential reason for two low dose aspirin instead of one.

Please let us know how these potential pain relievers work out for you as knee replacements are so common today that a good topical pain reliever would be quite useful to many.

Regarding melatonin, it has shown potential to help incisional wounds heel as discussed here :

Here is a relevant quote from the link :

' Melatonin treatment significantly improved the quality of scarring, both in terms of maturity and orientation of collagen fibres. An increase in nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity and therefore nitric oxide production is detrimental during inflammation but is favourable during granulation tissue formation. Melatonin treatment significantly decreased inducible NOS (iNOS) activity during the acute inflammatory phase but significantly increased iNOS activity during the resolving phase. Cyclooxygenase-2, which has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects, was elevated in the melatonin-treated rats following wounding. In addition, melatonin treatment also accelerated the angiogenic process, increasing the formation of new blood vessels and elevating the level of vascular endothelial growth factor protein expression during granulation tissue formation. Melatonin treatment increased arginase activity (which generates proline, a building block for collagen synthesis) from earlier time points. The protein profiles of hemoxygenase-1 (HO-1) and HO-2 isoforms, vital participants in the repair process, were also up-regulated upon melatonin treatment. This study has therefore demonstrated, for the first time, that melatonin can significantly improve the quality of wound healing and scar formation. '



Thanks, Art, for trying to help me out here. I know I have the ingredients to make up the melatonin lotion because I was going to make it up a few months ago and never got around to it. I'll have my dear husband get everything out so that I can get it made. You are right about all of us boomers getting joint replacements. A lot of my friends have gone through what I'm going through, and it has been nice to have received all of their helpful suggestions, so I will pass along whatever I can that works. So far, the Arnica gel has done wonders for the bruising. I had physical therapy yesterday and they were really pleased with my progress for only being one week post op. I also took the Arnica pellets. My biggest problem right now is anxiety. I have been taking extra strength Tylenol before PT and I feel like that has been enough. Before bed I take 1 Tylenol and 1/2 of a Benadryl to help me sleep. I added the Benadryl the past two nights. This morning, I woke up with the worst anxiety attack. I was shaking, sweating and a hot mess. All I could do was pace. I tried the Aconite homeopath that others suggested, but it didn't help. I honestly think it may have been the Benadryl. So, that's where things stand now. It's day by day, I guess. I can deal with the pain I have, but this anxiety is rough. Thanks again for your help. I'll mix that melatonin lotion up today and that will give me another layer of help for the pain. Thanks again.


Art, I was wondering if you thought alkalizing with baking soda and lemon would help with the anxiety.

Replied by Katzie
Cancun, Mexico

I would recommend CBD Oil or CBD Cream. Here in Mexico we have access to a product from El Salvador called "Mariguanol", and it is amazing, too. CBD has awesome reviews everywhere, and no, it won't make you feel high. Look into it and see what you think. Also, Castor Oil is very healing, soothing and penetrates deep; it would do your body good.

2264 posts

Hi JR,

In some people, Benadryl can definitely cause anxiety, as discussed here :

Here is a relevant quote from the article :

Why does Benadryl cause paradoxical excitation?

' It's not known exactly why paradoxical excitation with Benadryl occurs. It is thought that it may have to do with the way the drug is metabolized (broken down) in the body for excretion, as described in one small case report.

  • Benadryl is metabolized in the liver by an enzyme known as CYP2D6. It also appears to inhibit (or blocks) the use of this enzyme.
  • Some people have extra copies of the 2D6 gene and are called "ultrarapid metabolizers". These people can quickly break down CYP2D6 substrates like diphenhydramine, the active ingredient in Benadryl.
  • The researchers suggested that in people who are CYP2D6 ultrarapid metabolizers, a compound may be created that leads to excitation instead of the typical drowsiness, but they also say more research is needed to explore this idea. '

The easiest to try is to stop Benadryl and see if that alleviates the anxiety. On a related note, in some people, melatonin helps with anxiety, but Imo it is not potent at such activity and this effect can vary from person to person.

You are basically in the "trial and error" stage of trying to alleviate your symptoms and further your recovery process and this simply requires testing to find out which options will be most useful for you.


2264 posts

Hi again, JR,

Doing too much at one time can be counterproductive.

First things first, since you already know that Benadryl (Diphenhydramine) can cause anxiety in some people, it seems prudent to stop it first to see if that alleviates the anxiety issue. You've only been taking it two days and already you have this new anxiety issue, that could be a clue.



Thank you Art. Good information.


Art, would you remind me how often I can apply the melatonin lotion a day? I skipped the Benadryl last night but still woke up with anxiety this morning. I'm hot, sweaty and can't sit still. It's almost like low blood sugar or something. I suppose my body could still be trying to rid itself of all the anesthesia from the surgery.

2264 posts

My friends who first tested melatonin lotion (ML) for their various pain issues applied it sparingly twice a day to good effect. I have since heard of people applying it 3 times per day, but I know not everyone can tolerate that many applications per day. I have personally applied it up to 4 times per day, but I have a very high tolerance for melatonin and am not a good example at all.

Regarding the Benadryl/Diphenhydramine, it has a half life of 2.4 to 9.3 hours, however it can stay in your system for up to 2.5 days. So perhaps giving it a bit more time before writing it off might be worth consideration.

Here is a link to an article on diphenhydramine :

Here is a relevant quote from the article :

' This is where it gets important – you may stop feeling the effects of the medication after about 4-6 hours, but Benadryl can be in your system for up to 60 hours. This is why it is vital to follow the instructions found on the package or given by your doctor, so you do not take too much. '
